
Friday, February 17, 2023

Zodiac Guardian of those born in the year of Rooster 🐓: Acalanatha Bodhisattva 不动尊菩萨

As the name suggests, Acalanatha Bodhisattva 不动尊菩萨 represents strong and firm determination ("不动" = unwavering). Through his angry and fiery fierceness, he scares away your doubts, obstacles, bad energy.

Acalanatha 不动尊菩萨 is also a fighter, a warrior. And actually, he is the wrathful manifestation 忿怒化身 of Vairocana Buddha 大日如来 (the BOSS, remember?).

Vairocana 大日如来 represents the great sun, truth and order. We have a saying in Chinese: 佛都有火 -- even the Buddha will have fire (get angry). And that's when Acalanatha 不动尊菩萨 manifests. He is the warrior, the steadfast guardian. He is the wrathful manifestation. He is the FIRE.

Legend has it that Acalanatha 不动尊菩萨 trampled on the heads of those who arrogantly reject the truths and compassion of Vairocana 大日如来, subduing them, restoring order to the universe.

Sometimes, when some people cannot accept truth and logic, the FIRE must burn.

For the Lotus version, that's why we carved mountains behind Acalanatha Bodhisattva 不动尊菩萨. Steady as a mountain. Steadfast. Strong.

Worthy to take note, the peacock (upgraded-Rooster), the main subject-matter of Master Yun's fengshui paintings, has a similar meaning as the Acalanatha Bodhisattva 不动尊菩萨.

The peacock is compared to the Bodhisattva path (in "The Wheel of Sharp Weapons"《修心利刃轮》), when one upholds the high standards and integrity and not be moved by mediocrity and evils.

May those who receive blessings (and protection!) from Acalanatha 不动尊菩萨 gain worthy strong benefactors that will fight and win your wars, and be blessed with unwavering success of high standards.

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+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
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Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Zodiac Guardian of those born in the year of Dog 🐶 and Pig 🐖: Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛

If Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛 (zodiac Guardian for those born in the year of Goat and Monkey) is the ultimate form, like the Chairman or the big boss, then Amitabha 阿弥陀佛 is the CEO. He is the master of "Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss 西方极乐世界".

"Wait. There's more than ONE Buddha?" When we started talking about the zodiac Guardians, this was one of the FAQs.

Yes. There is more than one Buddha. Long story.

That's why, hopefully, through the connection with serial dramas, more well-known tales and classics, and linking them to a corporate hierarchy (Chairman, CEO...), we can recognize them better.

Amitabha 阿弥陀佛 was the big boss who set the whole "Journey to the West"《西游记》in motion. He is also the boss of the many Bodhisattvas we talked about, Guan Yin 观音, Manjusri 文殊菩萨, Samantabhadra 普贤菩萨, Mahasthamaprapta 大势至菩萨...

Is he the same one who subdued the Monkey King 孙悟空 and banished him under the Five Finger Mountain 五指山?

Yes. Same Buddha.

When we say: 逃不出我的五指山 (can't escape from my control/palm/five-finger-mountain), we are referring to this specific episode.
Amitabha 阿弥陀佛 is the leader, and he vows to elevate people to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, a realm of "Immeasurable Light and Life 无量寿、无量光".

For the Lotus version, you will see that the background is full of "The Wheel of the Law (dharmachakra) 法轮". It represents many things, of which: the path and direction to a blissful life.

May those who receive blessings from Amitabha 阿弥陀佛 be blessed immeasurably, and never let a worthy opportunity slip from your hand.

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+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
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Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Zodiac Guardian of those born in the year of Goat 🐐 and Monkey 🐒: Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛

If you are born in the year of Goat or Monkey, your Guardian Buddha is, what I would say for simplicity sake, the BOSS: the Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛.

And if you find the Boss's name familiar, you might be recalling movie "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"《西游·降魔篇》(2013), directed by Stephen Chow 周星驰. In which during the "final boss scene", Tripitaka 唐三藏 called upon the Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛 to subdue the Monkey King 孙悟空.

One hand. SMASH.

We see the same SUPERPOWER at the end of 2004's《功夫》(Kung Fu Hustle).

The 大招. The killer-combo.

Vairocana 大日如来 and his "Buddha's Divine Palm 如来神掌".

The one hand that subdues evil, and returns light and justice to the universe.

His name refers to the sun 太阳. And that's why, for the Lotus version, the rays of the sun are his aura.

Many a times, we really need the power of the great sun to chase away darkness, illnesses, evils.

May those who receive blessings from the Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛 achieve wealth and success as powerful as the sun.

May you also achieve your grand ambitions swiftly and gloriously.

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

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Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

2023 新春庆典之龙凰天尊

来临的农历新年庆典将在2月18日晚上6:08分在旺财馆举行,这将是庆祝八运最后一个农历新年, 为九运做准备。九运是180年一次的大运, 也是重新布局, 开启新篇章的大好时机, 可以使人身心成就, 突飞猛进。

在这充满变化的一年, 云大师强调了"跃"字尤为重要。跃, 也为躍, 篆字从鸟而来, 描写了鸟的脚和膝盖跳起前的形态, 捕捉了鸟弯下身蓄力的一瞬。要跳得高, 身体需要弯到比平时更低, 跳起才能达到另一个水平, 这是借大地的力。金庸先生曾写杨过向小龙女学一种功夫"天罗地网势", 麻雀跳跃而行, 手掌随麻雀而动, 麻雀借不到力被困在手掌中, 可见借力是非常重要的。

什么样的力最有帮助呢? 古人云:附骥尾而行益显。骥为千里马, 日行千里。苍蝇因附在马尾, 可以远行千里, 也指圣人孔子的学生, 因附先辈或名人之后而成名。

The phoenix dancing in the number of 8 
comprising of both the red and green

当天的庆典中会有两只凤, 云大师会有摸凤尾求取新福的仪式, 大家也可以跟随现场的主持人为自己求取新福。

今年是云大师长城画展两周年, 长城连绵万里, 随山势起伏, 像飞龙在天, 跃龙在渊。

64卦第一卦乾卦中每一爻代表一条龙, 龙在深渊中跃起欲飞, 然后飞龙在天, 成为一条九五至尊的飞龙, 也是最好的龙。

从潜龙到飞翔九天, 升腾之间既是形态不同, 也是心态不同, 人也如是, 需要韬光养晦, 蓄势待发。

传说黄河鲤鱼逆水上溯, 跳过龙门就会变化成龙盘旋升天而去, 比喻平步青云, 飞黄腾达。鱼跃龙门, 象征拼搏奋进, 敢于筑梦, 当突破现状, 梦想也会随之变大。云大师在当天的庆典中会有象征越过龙门的仪式, 敬请期待。


许多人都想知道从事什么样的行业最有利或在哪方面创业呢? 行销大师赛斯・高汀建议先难后易的行业, 前面的困难会使不能坚持的竞争对手出局, 将有限的资源留给真正有能力做的人。这种随着时间推移越做越好的行业好像一条跃龙。

他提出” To sell a purple cow”的概念, 除去是一头一般的牛, 还具备了它独特之处。了解了为什么和为谁而做, 因更多的市场变化做出弹性, 让"变"成为永恒不变的目标。这也顺应了属火的九运, 在充满不确定性的机会中胜利。

这次庆典非常旺! 到馆来的见面礼: 一套上等紫菜、红枣和高级党参,现在就联系 Cola报名!

降妖圣火灯柱的91位置所剩不多, 新做的天地连理玉上玉翡翠戒指会优先。



-风水艺术, 孔雀, 鹤和鹰


-五路进财香所剩不多, 如果请购当天云大师会开光, 让您将财运带回家。


您可以参加幸运抽奖, 礼品是超尊贵全国政协十三届五次会议的精致瓷杯,现在就报名!

~~ Mu Lan

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Zodiac Guardian of those born in the year of Dragon 🐉 and Snake 🐍: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva 普贤菩萨

The interesting thing about the Lotus version, once again, look closely at the background, is full of footprints. 

And the footprints are imprinted with the Buddhism swastika 卍, symbolizing the auspicious footprints of the Buddha.

Some sources say that a person makes about 35,000 choices daily, both conscious and unconscious ones. Of course, some are more important than others. BUT also we know, life's destiny is an accumulation and tally of good and bad choices. 

Even with great knowledge, one is not definitively certain that a choice is entirely correct. You might have seen others making so terrible choices, but somehow by a twist of fate, the results turned out to be wonderful.

What we can seek, is to be blessed at the steps we take. Every footprint we make on our journey, let it be auspicious, and blessed by amazing energy and luck.

Watch the video and you will know why Samantabhadra Bodhisattva 普贤菩萨 sits on an elephant.

The Buddhism swastika 卍 is pronounced as "wan" is Chinese, which is similar-sounding to "万" (meaning: ten-thousand, plenty, all). "足", which refers to footprints, also means abundance. When your footprint is imprinted with 卍, it means abundance in every solid step you take.

May those who receive blessings from 普贤菩萨 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva be 卍事足 (万事足) abundant in all things.

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Zodiac Guardian of those born in the year of Horse 🐎: Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 大势至菩萨

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 大势至菩萨, together with Guan Yin and Amitabha Buddha (Guardian for DOG and PIG), they are the 西方三圣 Holy Trinity of the Western Paradise. 

As such, Mahasthamaprapta 大势至 is often considered as the "third Buddha", right after Guan Yin.

Mahasthamaprapta 大势至菩萨, the name literally means "arrival of the great strength". Because of his ultimate light of wisdom, wherever he goes to, the heavens and earths will shake.

It was said: "When this Bodhisattva walks, all the worlds in the ten directions shake...when this Bodhisattva sits, all kingdoms of seven jewels sway" (“此菩萨行时,十方世界,一切震动……此菩萨坐时,七宝国土,一时动摇”,《观无量寿经》). 
Now that's a true influencer of great power.

That's why the Lotus version has scepters 权杖 carved on the back, representing great strength, great power, great benefactors.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 大势至菩萨 sandalwood is of great importance for the south sector of the house fengshui in 2023. With 
Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 大势至菩萨 sandalwood around, you will always have the 大势 in the things you do!

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

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Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.