
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Who Is Ready for Period 9 aka 九运?

I was texting with a few friends whom I got to know at different stage of my life casually today and coincidentally, they asked the same question - "Do you travel often with Lotus On Water | 云龙子旺财馆 ?"

I thought it was because I posted about the upcoming Beijing trip in October to attend Master Yun Art's art exhibition at Great Wall of China. However, they got the impression due to the March trip I had in Penang. 

I flip through all the videos and photos I have taken during the trip and I still feel super grateful that it must have been the decision of someone up there for Hogan Yeo and I to travel to Penang the same period as Master Yun so that I get to have heartfelt memories and learnings that will last a lifetime.

As a customer of Lotus and a keen learner to be a better human, I get to witness a few things:

1. As Mr Kan has been sharing about the must-have items for Period 9, I see them in Master Yun's house in Penang. So, if Master Yun is having them even in his house that he is not staying in 365 days, it only make sense for us to get them before Period 9.

2. With Asia TV doing an interview during one of the days, I saw how Master Yun could speak so eloquently without a script, sharing his stories and views that made everyone on the spot rethink and reflect. He is a celebrity in the world of Fengshui, but definitely one who doesn't give any airs and is polite as well as friendly to all crew members. Check out the interview here.

3. Chinese traditional cultural values are hard to come by nowadays because they are almost impossible to attain but I see that they are still alive in Master Yun during the times when we were all together - harmony, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, honesty, loyalty, and filial piety.

The trip is precious to me because I get to observe and learn up-close through another side of Master Yun which I do not see as a customer. And there are still so much more for me to learn. But perhaps, we can start learning the basics from the foundation and values of Lotus On Water. 

How to start? Come down to Lotus on Water and understand more!

~~ Ashley

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:

+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)

+65 8137 8024 (Cola)


Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Saturday, July 29, 2023




我先把九运对全天下的影响撇开不谈 (请注意简董的直播),把17周年庆回顾一番。

很多人或许不知道,每每庆典的筹备都是用了超过2个月的时间一点一滴地把整个流程做到精致。付出心血的除了追随者,也肯定少不了云大师, 简董和幕后的工作者。那为什么追随者和幕后的工作人员会那样地尽心尽力呢?其实,我们大家都是抱着感恩的心参与每一次的庆典,也希望自己能旺上加旺。


这次的17周年庆,在云大师的两场加持活动时,下了雨。我在旺财馆的时间不长,所以这是我约3年来第一次见证下雨的加持活动。简董说这是天降甘露, 我觉得这雨真的来得正是时候。


当这场雨喜从天降的时候,我第一个想法不是躲雨,而是如何继续主持, 让加持活动不被影响 (当然,电影看多了的我也担心手上的麦克风会因雨水而导致我触电, 所以一直护着麦克风)。我放眼望去,看见了现场的观众的期盼,护法们,云大师,Pook,简董,舞龙的朋友,摄影音响团队如何镇定地继续做他们该做的,我的心是感动的。

因为我知道如果不是加持活动上用的材料,道具,九五至尊神笔龙不能碰水的话,我们都会任由雨水在我们脸上拍打来完成一切。云大师,简董等做的这一切无非是想如何把更多和大家分享,让大家都有机会跟旺气做朋友,拥有那一份喜悦,幸福感, 在九运来临之前都做足准备。




~~ Ashley

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:

+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)

+65 8137 8024 (Cola)


Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.