
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Meditation During the Seventh Lunar Month

As the Seventh Lunar Month begins, Singapore is filled with prayers, and the air is permeated with the scent of incense. Known locally as the Hungry Ghost Festival, it is also referred to as the Ullambana Festival. In the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, this day is marked by ceremonies to honour the Triple Gem and to liberate suffering souls, with an emphasis on reverence for ancestors and repaying the kindness of one’s parents, thus promoting filial piety.

The Ullambana Festival carries profound cultural and spiritual significance, imbued with deep emotions. It aligns with the Confucian tradition of valuing filial piety, which is why it has been encouraged and widely observed by Chinese emperors throughout history. The festival began during the Northern and Southern dynasties, and by the Tang dynasty, it had become a prominent celebration, enjoyed by both officials and the public. It is popular in East Asian countries where Buddhism is practised, such as China, Korea, and Japan. The festival transcends time and place, celebrated on a grand scale, intertwining ancient beliefs, unique customs, and family bonds, thus promoting the continuity of culture.

The Ullambana Festival, observed on the fifteenth day of the Seventh Lunar Month, is also known as the Buddha’s Joyful Day. Its origins can be traced back to the Buddha’s faithful disciple Mulian (Sanskrit: Maudgalyayana) saving his mother. According to the Ullambana Sutra, Mulian, after attaining enlightenment, could observe the three realms. Through his divine powers, he saw his deceased mother suffering in the realm of hungry ghosts. He quickly offered her food in a bowl, but just as it reached her mouth, it turned into ashes, leaving her still hungry. He recounted this to the Buddha, saying: “Although she was my mother in this life, I wish to save her from suffering as a way of repaying her for raising me.” The Buddha advised that Mulianalone could not save her; he needed to rely on the collective spiritual power of offering to the monks on the fifteenth day of the Seventh Lunar Month. On that day, Mulian’s mother was freed from the torment of the hungry ghost realm. The scripture concludes that everyone can follow this practice.

This year is the Year of the Wood Dragon, and since each month is associated with a Chinese zodiac sign, July is also the Month of the Monkey, corresponding to the twelfth Earthly Branch shen, which belongs to the metal element. If your favourable element is metal, then congratulations! The original meaning of shen is lightning, depicted in oracle bone script as a flash of lightning, which gradually evolved into the idea of extending or connecting with a higher spiritual level.

A flash of lightning streaks across the sky, and after the thunderstorm, our ancestors discovered that trees caught fire due to lightning. In the ashes, they found food and gradually learnt to preserve fire, fend off wild animals, and grow crops, eventually cooking their food. Human civilisation truly began with the mastery of fire. When our ancestors saw lightning during a storm, they perceived it as unpredictable and powerful, considering it a sign of divine will and inspiration, and they would symbolically accept the mandate of heaven with both hands.

This divine mandate marked the beginning of a thriving human lineage, fostering a civilisation that has flourished for thousands of years. Such a mandate represents a sudden enlightenment that drastically changes one's life. For the Chinese, July is a month when the divine lightning brings abundant inspiration. Can you perceive and seize the will of heaven?

This July, we too should meditate with open hands. You might focus on Master Yun’s fengshui paintings or calligraphy, holding sandalwood beads in your left hand and grinding a white duan stone with vermilion in your right. With each circle you grind, utter your prayers, and with each bead you push forward in your left hand.

You can use sandalwood, which helps inspire creativity and is a must-have during the ninth fortune cycle of twenty years. It complements your Lotus jadeite and agarwood, boosting your indirect wealth.

Place the white inkstone in an auspicious position in your home to attract benefactors and aid in meditation.

The Lotus jadeite Zhong Kui has been a popular item in Lotus on Water since its inception. Zhong Kui’s righteous and fearless divine power instils confidence in many people. The mysterious power associated with his legend has inspired many clients.

Additionally, you can wear agarwood, which has the ability to absorb good energy, and convert bad energy into opportunities
Have you meditated this July?
-- Mu Lan 
到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)
Or, PM us directly.
Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024




盂兰盆节蕴含深厚的文化和精神意义,带有深厚的感情。与儒家崇尚孝道的伦理传统相符,因此得到中国历代帝王提倡而盛行不衰。南北朝时代,始兴盂兰盆法会,唐朝时期,法会活动呈现兴盛,官民共乐。在信奉佛教的东亚国家流行,如中国, 韩国,日本。它跨越时间,不分地区,规模盛大,将古老的信仰,独特习俗和家庭交织在一起,促进了文化的延续。


盂兰盆节,是佛教为农历七月十五,又称为佛欢喜日,起源可追溯到佛陀的忠实弟子目连(梵语:Maudgalyayana) 救母。《盂兰经》称目连得道后,可观三界,以神通力见亡母生饿鬼道中,连忙用钵盛饭,喂母亲吃。然而,刚送到嘴边,就化为灰烬,母亲仍然十分饥饿。他向释迦牟尼佛述说此事: 虽她是我一世的母亲,但我愿救她脱离苦海,以报养育之恩。佛说光凭他一人之力无法解救,须仰赖供养众僧的威神之力,要目连于七月十五日,备好食物和用品供养众僧。当此之日,目连之母得脱饿鬼之苦。经文最后说一切大众皆可依照此法。


今年是甲辰年,因每个月都有一个生肖,七月也是申月,十二地支中的"申",属金。如果你的有利五行是金,那么恭喜。 申的本意是闪电,它的甲骨文是道闪电,慢慢演变成双手去接闪电,意思也变成延伸,与更高的精神层面连接。









-- Mu Lan

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:

+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)

+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.