
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

4 News: 3 Zhong Kui, 10 Days, 11 Steps and 1 Authentic Lotus | 4项消息:3款钟馗,10天,11步骤,和唯一正统的云龙子旺财馆

1. The Lotus jadeite Zhong Kui

In year 2007, 1 year after the first Lotus on Water gallery was founded, founder Master Yun Long Zi came up with the first ever jadeite Zhong Kui. 

The purpose is to prosper the indirect wealth of Lotus clients, and for protection and blessing during the 7th lunar month, commonly known as the "ghost month." 

The 1st Lotus jadeite Zhong Kui continues to be a huge favorite amongst clients, and a limited edition of the 2nd Lotus Zhong Kui was officially released in 2009 (sold out). This 2014, we bring you the 3rd Lotus jadeite Zhong Kui. Find out more here.

Similar to the Heaven and Earth jadeite ring series and the various God of Wealth pendants released by Lotus on Water, we continue to perfect our existing collections. In Master Yun's words: "Perfection is an endeavor that can never be achieved, but perfection is also an endeavor that should never be forsaken."





2. 10 days to the change of seasons, crossing into the second half of the year

7 August 2014 23:02hrs (Singapore timing), we ride into the new season. It is the start of autumn 立秋.

We should treat welcoming spring and welcoming autumn with the same anticipation and diligence. These are the two most important seasons of the year. That's why we use spring-autumn 春秋 to refer to a year. Now, "Spring-Autumn 春秋" means the history.

How does it affect us? Imagine this: when a new season starts, the floodgate for this season's energies - both good and bad - opens. And all these energies - wealth energy, benefactor luck, radiant health, and their negative counterparts - pour in.

These new unattached energies will be all around us. And they will be looking for owners, people they can attached to. And here's the rule: good energies look for people with good energy, bad energies attach themselves to people who are unlucky.

That's why people who are lucky get luckier and luckier. Riding on the waves of good luck. And they are some who are on the spiral of not-so-good luck.

Upgrade your luck before the new season begins. And catch the first wave of good luck.

-- Kan Ying Loong, Executive Director

Find out what you need to do and get for yourself:







-- 简应隆,执行董事


3. How to Own Your Double Dragon jadeite ring

The Double Dragon jadeite ring is powerful. When you wear it on the middle finger, your wealth prospers; on the last finger, your benefactors gather. 

And every single Double Dragon is yours specially. Customized to the jadeite cabochon of your choice, unique and prospering you in its particular way. Here, we break down the steps on how to purchase your own Double Dragon.

Customize and wear yours here:




(Left: Imposter copying the Lotus jadeite Money Magnet Grand Wealth God with inferior material; Right: the authentic Lotus jadeite Money Magnet Grand Wealth God, the lustre says it all

4. There is ONLY 1 authentic Lotus on Water
-- beware of imposter

1 June 2014, an individual residing in Woodlands has started passing off as Lotus on Water by copying our jadeite collections released in year 2012 and before, using inferior material and substandard quality. 

Other than copying the jadeite collections of Lotus on Water, this imposter plagiarizes the statements of the Lotus and Master Yun, "Prosper in Elegance," "You deserve nothing but the best," "Prosper today" and others, which the Lotus has been using since the dawn of the first gallery in 2006.

The imposter has been given verbal warning. And the Lotus is going against this imposter legally. In the meanwhile, recognize there is only 1 authentic Lotus on Water:

1. Lotus on Water only uses Lotus jadeite - Lotus jadeite is above premium A grade jadeite. Lotus jadeite is specially prepared to ensure our clients receive the best Qi; we do not settle for cheap and substandard material.

2. Remedies of the Lotus are personalized. The color of your Lotus jadeite must be of your auspicious color/element. We do not operate like a supermarket. Wearing a jadeite of your unlucky color brings you bad luck.

3. All Lotus jadeite are blessed by Master Yun Long Zi himself with the specially prepared Lotus vermilion. Then, the Lotus jadeite awakes. Then, the Money Magnet Grand Wealth God awakes. Then, you prosper.


除了抄袭云龙子旺财馆的翡翠系列,该假冒者甚至盗版旺财馆和云龙子大师自2006年便耳熟能详的话语,“Prosper in Elegance,” “You deserve nothing but the best,” “Prosper today”等等。


1. 云龙子旺财馆只用云龙子旺财翡翠——旺财翡翠的标准高于顶级的A级翡翠。云龙子旺财翡翠经过精心的预备和收藏,以确保我们的客人得到最旺财的祝福。我们绝不妥协于下贱和次等的材料。

2. 云龙子旺财馆的翡翠是个人化的。你佩戴的翡翠务必属于你的有利颜色/五行。我们绝非像超市场一样随便。佩戴不利颜色的翡翠会给你带来霉运。

3. 所有云龙子旺财翡翠都经过云龙子大师亲自开光,用的是特制的云龙子旺财朱砂。这样,云龙子旺财翡翠才会开眼。这样,翡翠招财进宝大财神才会灵验。这样,你才会旺财。

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