
Sunday, April 5, 2015

It's not politics. It's human.

The passing on of Mr Lee Kuan Yew has brought me grief last week and I expressed my emotion through writings and put some of them on my blog.

A close friend of mine came to caution me that my writings seem to have obvious political view and inclination. And that a Feng Shui Master blog should not be tainted with politics.

Well. Thank you for the reminder.

But...if I give honor to Mother Theresa, it does not mean I am a Catholic. If I like Gandhi, it does not mean I practice Hindu faith. If I think Washington and Lincoln are praiseworthy, it does not mean I am ready to be an American.

If a person's contribution is beyond the benefit of his political party and his own political ambition, but has achieved gains on the national level; then it is no longer about politics but patriotism.

If a person's contribution has surpassed national level, and has reached the rest of the world as well, then it's not just patriotism. It's about being human.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew's contribution is beyond his party, and even beyond his country. His good counsel and timely warning, which come from his guts to speak against the tide, has brought peace to many people in the world.

He has brought good earnings to many people in neighboring countries, the Malaysians, Indonesians, Chinese, Indians, Koreans, Japanese, Europeans, Americans, and many others. For the higher wages, or for the lower tax. If it's still too abstract to be understood, for more food and not less, that we can bring home, onto our table. 

Many of us, may not understand the sophistication of politics. We may not understand the taste and thrill of saying anything we like without having to be accountable for them. We have not developed the hobby of chewing gums and smoking out of the yellow box. We have got no urge to spit on the ground or to litter on it.

But we look at what we are having and enjoying today, and we know it is this person who has contributed to this possibility. Not just more and better food on the table, not just fatter bank accounts, but also cleaner water, stench-less air, fearless streets at nights.  And so we give thanks to him. It's not just cool or not cool, left or right. It is just human.

I may not understand why the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer, as much as I don't understand how the slim gets slimmer and the fat gets fatter. But I know that the poor are fed, there is no beggars on the streets. And the rich are safe, I barely have heard of robbery.

My grandma comes to visit me from her hometown, and my aunt comes from New York. Both of them are amazed that I always keep my doors unlock and I can walk on the streets at late night.

I know things don't just happen. Someone must do something, someone must pay the price and foot the bill. And we know he did, and he paid the price.

His criticism of the Vietnamese invading Cambodia has brought awareness that brutality of invasion is not appreciated.

His acting in between the Americans and Chinese and Taiwanese Chinese has stopped the missiles from flying over our sky.

His friendship with Deng Xiao Ping has helped bring about the vibrant economy in China that has in turn brought about active commerce in the whole world. And again more food on the table. No one should thank a person who has brought more food on the table?

He has helped improved the livelihood of many people in this world. Same colour and different colours.

Do I have to go on?

It is at this level I paid tribute to him. And any man that has contributed to more man and in greater manner may voice his objection.

I may not know how to theorized his politics.

But I know, maybe in over commonsensical manner that is rather uncommon.

That he is a great man. 

-- Master Yun Long Zi

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