
Friday, June 3, 2016

Time For My Favorite Piece: This Imperial Jadeite

Many of you might have noticed the recent change in the cover photo of our Facebook page. 龙归大海 is no longer there. Yes, it has been bought by a very, very blessed Lotus client.

While the 龙归大海 is Mr Kan's favorite piece, I have my favorite too -- and it's the one that's featured on the cover photo now. 

An imperial jadeite, with a Pixiu 貔貅 sitting on a very huge coin, guarding it. I have been looking, touching and talking about it every single day during my training ever since my first day with the Lotus. If you have stepped into the main gallery before (BTW, the founding gallery is celebrating the 10th anniversary this 26 June). I might have shown it to you before. And I might have told you, we are proud of our imperial jadeite collection, just like this piece.

Like what Mr Kan mention in one of his article, everyone who holds an exquisite jadeite in his or her hands would notice something unique, something special. The one feature that caught my eye was how rounded and prosperous the coin looks. You can literally feel the amount of wealth within, succulent, full, not ordinary wealth but imperial wealth, that worthy of an emperor. 

But that's more. It's not just another "fat coin" -- I mean, you can find other Lotus exquisite jadeite that bears symbols of huge coins. 

The mysterious thing about this imperial jadeite's coin is that, there seems to be a "button" in the center...perhaps to signify the hole in the center of ancient coins? But look closely, the "button" is protruding. It pops up. It is in the limelight. Much like telling you: I am the center of the universe.

Something more cross-cultural, and historical. You might find the "button" resembling a person's navel. And in Greek mythology, the navel of the world is the center of the world. 

What kind of wealth and prosperity are you looking for? Throughout my entire year++ with the Lotus, I have met many people. Some, want to be better, but just gently, good but not great. Some, want real, solid prosperity, and are willing to go all out for the best. After all, we only live once. The Lotus is about living greatly. Not halfway there, not in the middle, not substandard, not try-try, not mere imitations or mirages. But realizing our best potential for a great future and fortune. 

And when you have the capacity for the wealth and power of the universe -- and of course, when you can use the wood element (green!) -- this might just be the piece for you. 

Push the "button", and wealth that can fill the emperor's palace shall flow to you.

Good news: the wealth is guarded. The Pixiu guards it with its tail, curling it in. I shall leave this tail to another time.

Huat more.

-- Samuel Ling, Assistant to Advisor

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