
Saturday, December 3, 2016

RECAP ON TALK: For 2017, Charge Your Lotus Rings With The Lotus Crystal Pineapple Dragon Booster

TREMENDOUS SUCCESS for the first Annual Fengshui talk -- thank you for coming, totally overwhelming turnout. I hope the session was enjoyable and beneficial for you.

We spoke about a great many things. From the outlook of 2017 (丁酉), to your personal elements to look out for...if there were to be one thing that I find to be most important, it would be this: charge your Lotus Rings with the Lotus Pineapple Dragon Booster.

You know why. 2017, the Fire Rooster Year, is the year that we really need solid and firm support. It is not a year for taking chances. As I repeatedly emphasized during the talk, it is the year that we need to tap on every possible means to ensure that 2017 is game-changing year.

And by charging our Lotus Rings on our Lotus Crystal Pineapple Dragon Booster, we are tapping on the energies from the big cycle of fengshui (大风水).

The Pineapple Dragon Booster is the mountain pillar for our house, our office. As the mountain, it enhances your relationship, your benefactors, your health, and your power and status (山管人丁,水管财). This is for the long term, the foundation, the core yin-yang of your fengshui. Everyone should get this done.

Next year, while there would certainly be challenges, it is also the year for grabbing opportunities. Your Lotus Rings need to perform at their best. They need to have a base, a charger, a booster. And by charging your Lotus Rings on your Pineapple Dragon Booster, which is also the mountain, you are gathering the benefactors and power to your Ring, and to you.

For those of you who came for the first session, you would know why this is extremely necessary...

-- Kan Ying Loong, Executive Director

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