
Monday, June 18, 2018

Goodbye 108 Troubles and Hello 108 Possibilities!

When using the Lotus 108 beads during meditation, do you pull the beads inwards or push it outwards?

There is this saying in Buddhism: “this is a suffering world, if I do not enter hell, who will” and many Buddhist monks choose to pull their beads inwards to signify that they are willing to accept all suffering, reflecting their compassion and mercifulness. 

However, when you have the Lotus 108 agarwood beads, you should count your beads in another direction, every bead pushed outwards broadcasts your wishes to the universe and through meditation, these wishes come true. 

When pushing our dreams outwards, we should picture them coming true. 

I do not want to be retrenched; I do not want to be in debt; I do not want to get into an accident. 

Often, when you don’t want things to happen, all the more they will take place.

Therefore, we should picture what we want.

I am promoted; I am getting wealthier; I am getting healthier. 

Of course, it is often easier said than done. 

108 Daojia Yellow Beads – 6mm

When you own the Lotus 108 agarwood beads blessed by Master Yun, you get to broadcast your wishes to the universe. In addition, this beads of extremeyang, has Master Yun’s essence from meditate, which will maximise the effects of your meditation.

-- Owen, Assistant to Advisor

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