
Friday, September 13, 2019

Master Yun Selected As "Chinese Pioneer" By China CCTV -- Featuring Mr Gerard Ng

Master Yun has been selected as "Chinese Pioneer" by China CCTV. Early September, CCTV came to Singapore to film Master Yun, his friends, his business partners, his clients.]

恭喜 Mr Gerard 受中国央视采访,关于云大师成为“华人楷模”。
Congratulation to Mr Gerard who was interviewed by China CCTV regarding Master Yun being a “Chinese Pioneer”. 

我听 Mr Kan 说,Mr Gerard 在2015年12月圣诞节戴上他的第一枚双龙夺珠戒指。
I heard from Mr Kan that Mr Gerard wore his first Double Dragon ring on December 2015, Christmas.

那时候,他是经理。现在,他是 Director.
Then, he was a Manager. Now, he is a Director.

Mr Gerard 是《大东方》保险公司的 TOP new Director,也是云龙子旺财馆的 VIP 和 Follower。
Mr Gerard has achieved TOP New Director of Great Eastern and also is Lotus on Water's VIP and Follower.

非常、非常高兴能够见证 Mr Gerard 的繁荣。
We are very, very happy to witness Mr Gerard’s prosperity and achievement.

Mr Kan 告诉我,这是 Mr Gerard 选的云大师的风水画。
Mr Kan told me, this is the fengshui painting that Mr Gerard has chosen.

Very beautiful fengshui painting. 
Must be even more gorgeous when hung at Mr Gerard's home.

两个月前,Mr Gerard 选上了一串 108沉香念珠给他太太。非常恩爱的夫妻。
Two month ago, Mr Gerard bought a 108 agarwood beads for his wife.

108 沉香念珠是什么?这里是我推荐给你们的选择。 
What is 108 agarwood beads? 
Here is some recommendations for you!


108 Daojia 倒架 agarwood beads
108 Full-sinking 水沉 agarwood beads

108 Daojia Yellow category 倒架黄肉agarwood beads
108 Dajiao Purple category 倒架紫肉 agarwood beads
108 Full-sinking 水沉 agarwood beads

这些年,Mr Gerard 成为我们的客人也成为我们的 follower。
After all these years of being a client of Lotus on Water, Mr Gerard is now also a Lotus on Water follower. 

He really supports our event. He also want other clients to prosper like him.

His selflessness and generosity are motivating. No wonder his team is getting stronger and stronger. 

谢谢 Mr Gerard 多年来的支持! 
Thank you Mr Gerard for supporting all these years!

-- Alex, Assistant to Advisor

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