
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Zodiac Guardian for HORSE: Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 大势至菩萨

Some have come to "complain" to me, that I spoke very little about the zodiac Guardian for Horse -- Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva 大势至菩萨.

I haven't forgotten about you.

Just that, while Mahasthamaprapta 大势至菩萨 is also quite elusive, and has not appeared in pop culture as much.

In fact, Mahasthamaprapta 大势至 didn't really appear in the classic "Journey to the West"《西游记》. Unlike the other Bodhisattvas. Manjusri 文殊菩萨 (Guardian for Rabbit) appeared twice.

So who is Mahasthamaprapta 大势至?

In one of the reincarnations, Mahasthamaprapta 大势至菩萨 is the younger brother of Guan Yin. That's why they are portrayed side by side in the anime《南无阿弥陀佛!-莲台UTENA》, and addresses Guan Yin as "big brother".

Together with Guan Yin and Amitabha Buddha (Guardian for Dog and Pig), they are the 西方三圣 Holy Trinity of the Western Paradise. As such, Mahasthamaprapta 大势至 is often considered as the "third Buddha", right after Guan Yin.

Mahasthamaprapta 大势至菩萨, the name literally means "arrival of the great strength". Because of his ultimate light of wisdom, wherever he goes to, the heavens and earths will shake.

It was said: "When this Bodhisattva walks, all the worlds in the ten directions shake...when this Bodhisattva sits, all kingdoms of seven jewels sway" (“此菩萨行时,十方世界,一切震动……此菩萨坐时,七宝国土,一时动摇”,《观无量寿经》).

Now that's a true influencer of great power. 

That's why the Lotus version has scepters 权杖 carved on the back, representing great strength, great power, great benefactors. 


-- Kan, Executive Director

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