
Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Doing up this blog a little quicker this time round just before school, so what are we talking about in this final part here? As mentioned in the title, we will be talking about the FINALE of that night, some extra memorable KEY POINTS and too some special guests list! 

So what should we begin with? A little heavy on content today but let's do it one by one! 

Let's start with what I found was memorable that day, I must say the whole event itself was really memorable but MOST memorable was hearing the shouting of ENCORE! With that, Tenor Zhuang Jie sang multiple other songs, and what impacted most was actually the song "In The Water Side", a modern classical which is renowned by many generations, not just one generation but multiple generations. If you are interested in this, you can surely check out Lotus On Water Facebook page whereby we have a short clip of it in fusion with Master Yun's fengshui paintings.

Next, let's move on to some special guests that attended this grand concert, some specific ones of course!! Starting with the VVIP zone where Master Yun is, we have......

- Mr Anthony Chaumuzeau, Counsellor for Culture, Education and Science, of the French Embassy

- Mr Jorge Garcia, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Peru in Singapore.

- 肖江华先生, 中国文化中心主任

- 何伟山先生, 新加坡华乐团行政总监

- 叶聪先生, 新加坡华乐团音乐总监

- Mr Marcel Bertaud, Director of Laurent-Perriers for Asia 

On the other hand, we will be showcasing VIPs from Mr Kan, Cola sides.

- 范敏范董, 携程网联合创始人

- 李小东李董, 东海集团的董事长及联合创始人

- 张涛张董, 大众点评CEO与创始人

- 胡猛胡董, 凤和集团的创始人

- 雷鸣雷董, 百度七剑客之一, 酷我创始人 

Not just these, there are also many many other very important guests and clients from Lotus On Water such as the CEO of the largest Solar company and also not forgetting our LOTUS FOLLOWERS!! Shall place some nicely taken photos down below!!

I will also briefly mention about some of the charming paintings that was displayed at SCO but maybe if you did not pay close enough attention, you would have missed it. 

1. Proudly Tasteful

2. Fan Up Prosperity Courageously

3. Criss Crossing of Gold and Silver

Don't wonder why I did not put the Thoughts Of Paintings here, it was fully INTENTIONAL. If you are curious about these paintings, you can checkout where Master Yun places his Thoughts Of Paintings.

And the last song for the day goes to Libiamo ne'lieti calici sang by all the performers, ending off the concert with a surprise. I must say it was a great performance and Master Yun ought to be the first to fuse these arts together, visually and auditorily, while at the same time raising the values of both culture and arts, a truly noble act which only Master Yun could achieve.

Siah Siang Woo, 13/4/2021

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