
Monday, October 4, 2021

《看见他,戴你發!》第 3 集 : 神鸟

星期天收看了 Mr Fabian 和 Mr Mark 主持的 "看见他,戴你發!" Facebook LIVE 神鸟系列后, 真是获益不浅。

Let’s talk about BIRDS 来,讲“鸟”话了!

Facebook Link:

要不是收看了Facebook LIVE, 我还不知道原来雕在风水宝物上的每一种鸟类都是具有这么多的象征意义。




让我们来看 Mr Fabian 和 Mr Mark 为大家介绍了哪些雕有“神鸟”的宝物,而每一种“神鸟”又具有哪些独特的寓意。

凤 Phoenix

凤,是中国古代传说中的百鸟之王,在中华文化中的地位和龙相同。 凤是人们心目中的瑞鸟,天下太平的象征。传说中,凤遇到苦难时,就会投身于熊熊烈火中自焚。它在火中燃烧后,又会重生重现,并得到永生。因此凤有着重生,重新开始的意思。

过后, 凤又来到“丹凤朝阳”的阶段(the scarlet phoenix flies towards the sun),寓意着有才智的贤士遇到了好的时机,能够大展宏图。




1. VIP客户
2. 云大师的同意


在节目里,Mr Fabian 和 Mr Mark 介绍了这尊凤仪天下观世音水晶山。这是一尊观世音菩萨和一只凤的雕像。原来观世音菩萨和凤有着密切的关系。观世音菩萨身边的凤,便是观世音菩萨的宠物。




凤舞九天是一枚极品翡翠牌。所谓极品翡翠,就是云龙子旺财馆只有这么一枚,而且品质称得上极品的翡翠。 九天指天之高,古代认为天有九层,而天的最高一层,只有凤才飞得上去。因此,顾客配戴上凤舞九天极品翡翠牌,将在事业上飞黄腾达。如果您想拥有这么唯一的一枚极品,就赶快行动吧!

孔雀 Peacock




Mr Fabian and Mr Mark 在节目里就特别推荐了这枚引福檀香孔雀明王,也是 one of our Lotus on Water HOT favorites!




翡翠牌: 孔雀明王



黄发孔雀水晶山是一尊非常珍贵的黄色水晶山,将能带给您更大的财富 。





老鹰 Eagle







翡翠牌: 马上赢


喜鹊 Magpie


喜上梅梢 铜发金

Mr Fabian 和 Mr Mark 在节目上就介绍了这尊喜上眉梢铜发金的水晶山。这尊水晶山雕有一对喜鹊,而且水晶山里还有铜发金。铜发金具有招正财与偏财的作用,还有辟邪化煞、逢凶化吉效果。

鹤 Crane








鹦鹉 Parrot




鸾 Mystical powerful bird, like the phoenix




Mr Fabian 和 Mr Mark 也让观众目睹了 Top Referrer Of The Month 的奖品。九月份的 Top Referrer Of The Month 可获得一套云大师的特别珍藏“丹顶鹤”紫砂茶壶。

谁将是Top Referrer Of The Month 呢?


云龙子旺财馆里有这么多种神鸟, 您想要把哪一种神鸟给"戴"走呢? 把神鸟当成您一辈子的宠物,旺着您一辈子!

如果您在节目里,看到心仪的旺财宝物或者是想加入云龙子王财馆和大家一起旺财,请马上联络Mr Cola 8137 8024了解更多详情。

-- Amanda

Saturday, October 2, 2021

"Almost anyone who’s successful has to start by saying they were LUCKY’"

It was a relaxing Saturday, I was reading up on news and related financial news to wind up the day when I chanced upon this article from CNBC titled Google billionaire Eric Schmidt, "almost anyone who’s successful has to start by saying they were lucky" ( that I got the inspiration to write from.

In the article, it was shared by many ultra successful people that being lucky is a strong and important component in being successful.

Quoting from the article, "Grit. Hard work. Intelligence. These are some of the ingredients of success.

But there’s another that can’t be left off the list, according to Google billionaire Mr. Eric Schmidt: luck."

Why the emphasis on the luck you would say, isn't hard work alone makes wonder? To this, I would like to again quote another ultra successful man, Mr Mark Zuckerberg, to bring forth reality to you.

"We all know we don’t succeed just by having a good idea or working hard. We succeed by being lucky too," Zuckerberg said.

Luck in general, I believed most will agree that it will be at the right place at the right time meeting the right people. This in combination with grit and hard work will spur you forward in your career and life; whichever you are currently pursuing in your life now.

Imagine today you are working very hard on a project but the credit was instead not given to you because there is no benefactors who will support you. For example, a supportive superior to push you forward for that promotion you rightfully deserved. You could be stuck in this rut for years ?

We all know that someone close to us who has worked very hard but did not get the promotion he or she deserved but someone else gotten the promotion instead because he/she knew the right person who supported his/her hard work.

For myself, experiencing the powerful fengshui effects of Lotus on Water especially my PRAS is done, it further cemented in my mind, you can work as hard as you can but you do need that accelerator -- the benefactor, removal of the malefactor, wealth luck or simply at the right place at the right time to capture the opportunities.

The article from CNBC further cemented this point forward and also a timely reminder to all.

-- Jack

Friday, October 1, 2021

云大师谈“日月系列”:“日”子的写法 | Master Yun on "Sun and Moon series": Thoughts on the Chinese Character 日

I always have some thoughts about why the Chinese character 日 (reads ri, means the sun) is so written.

My questions are…why wasn't the 日 drawn a circle, but four straight lines instead? And why did we add a dot (or a line) in the center? 

When I studied Chinese Etymology, the textbook said that ancient Chinese drew the shape of the sun. But they drew straight lines because they were carving with knives on the bones and turtle shells. It was easier to carve straight lines then curves. And the block dot in the centre was that they observed the occasional incomplete combustion of the sun that created the black spots.

But no…after the most ancient bone oracles, most of the time Chinese used soft writing instruments like Chinese brush to write. It is definitely easier to draw a circle than to write four strokes.

Historically, Chinese characters are not totally formed by convention in a democratically “natural” manner. It has gone through many stages of official reformation, whereby the political leaders appointed the intellectual elites to canonize words after much research and pondering.

In other words, Chinese words are not evolved to what they are now through illogical arbitrary. The forms contain the highest wisdom of our civilization.

For instance, Chinese was a thousand years earlier than the West to discover that the earth revolves around the Sun. And in very ancient times, we Chinese already knew that when the earth traveled to four different corners around the sun, we get our four seasons.

Thus, I believe when the ancient Chinese said 日ri, we were not only referring to the sun itself (that is 日头 ritou, meaning “the head of the ri”). 日 ri represents the full solar system and the energy and effects the sun in this system can give.

The character 曰 ri, has four corners and four straight lines, representing the mathematical regularity the system observes. On the dot of time, spring, summer, autumn and winter arrive.

When sunlight falls onto earth, we see it as straight lines. Most importantly, the lights are physical expressions of the metaphysical idea of Yang energy. Yang is represented by straight lines.

The 日 ri I drew has small rounded knots on the four straight lines. The knots represent the stars in the solar system. And center of 日 is the sun.

日 ri represents the energy of greatness and Yang. It is self sustaining and magnificently strong (like the sun). And it is the one that makes the stars around move and evolve.
-- 云龙子大师 Master Yun Long Zi

云大师:致谢词,唯一海外华人获得经典艺术奖 | Master Yun: Speech of Gratitude, Only Overseas Chinese Artist to Receive Classic Art Award


For almost two years, I have not stepped onto the motherland of China. It is indeed, the pandemic that had separated me from my motherland.

However, China has given me numerous awards, continuously, to me, an overseas Chinese who has left my motherland three generations ago.

Today is the 72nd birthday anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. I am very honored to have received on this Chinese National Day, an award of Classical Exchange of Celebrity Artists. Instead of saying that this is an award of recognition from my motherland to me, I rather fathom this as an encouragement to all Chinese all over the world. We are not only bearing the same root and the same source, the same language and the same culture, we also suffer the same humiliation and enjoy the same honor.

In our battle against the pandemic, the war is not over. The winners and losers are not final. But we can see that my motherland China is ahead of the race.

That’s because we are clear in our Chinese blood: to be united is more important than to compete, and that the team is more important than individuals, and duty is higher than rights.
My ancestors left our motherland three generations ago to Southeast Asia. I was born in Malaysia, and 37 years ago, I came to Singapore. Last year, I was given the citizenship of Singapore.
As compared to most Chinese, I underwent a slightly different political background and baptism of social education.
However, I share with most Chinese, the same ancestors, the same history, and the same language.

Before the pandemic attacked the human race, I had my art exhibitions in Singapore, Thailand, the Netherlands, and Spain. I was planning for my exhibitions in Cambodia's Angkor Wat, France, England and America. But because of the pandemic, all these are delayed.

However, last year, when pandemic was at its fiercest tide, I was invited to the Great Wall of China to exhibit my Feng Shui paintings and my Feng Shui calligraphies. I displayed my art with a heart of gratitude on the oldest and greatest Great Wall of China.

From an artist’s point of view, I find it quite puzzling. The many, many countries who acclaimed themselves as lovers and patrons of art, in the face of the adversity of the pandemic, have not stopped protests and strikes, have not stopped political struggles and conflicts, but have stopped in their promoting and supporting of art and culture.

And when I looked at my motherland China, her footsteps to support and promote art and culture, have never stopped, with or without the pandemic.

At my art exhibition on the Great Wall of China, there was an old General of eighty over years old. He was helped by two young men, and with a few other teammates of sixties, seventies years old, walked up to the Great Wall to support my art.

Because I am not a Chinese citizen, I could not fly into China during the pandemic. But when I received the videos and photographs sent by my Chinese partner from the Great Wall, tears filled my eyes.

I was moved. This old General has never met me before. But despite physical infirmity, was like a cheerful young man, climbed up the Great Wall, participated the exhibition, supported the culture and promoted the art.

And I am even more moved. That my motherland China, a great dragon of five thousands over years as a magnificent civilization, has not looked down on a son who has left her bosom for three generations, and has no fear of the challenges of the pandemic, to recognize me as an artist with the warmest hospitality, and to promote art in truest actions.

The words shall cease but the spirit never.

On this day, the seventy-second birthday of the People’s Republic of China, I wish my motherland:

Everlasting youthfulness!
Long live forever!
-- 云龙子大师 Master Yun Long Zi
1st October 2021