
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Museum in Lotus Special: Chinese New Year 2022 Part 2

On 19th February 2022, the 19th day in the Lunar year of the Tiger, Lotus on Water galleries celebrated Chinese New Year. Mr Pino DE Giosa (P), who features in the Museum in Lotus 莲中博物 documentary series, together with Ashley Sim (A), help us appreciate the rare antiques that was used in the re-blessing ceremony. 

Let us spend some time to appreciate these artefacts,  and understand how they add value to the re-blessing ceremony and bring even more huatness to our Lotus on Water galleries.

A: Hello everyone, and welcome back to our mini Museum in Lotus session! Ashley again here with Mr Pino. We are now going to re-introduce the Pillar of Light that we used during the Winter Solstice re-blessing session last year in December and there is something very exciting I really need to share with you, Mr Pino.


(Pillar of Light with 91 rings in the day)

A: The first prize in today’s 4D draw is 9410, which uncannily also happened the last time we used the Pillar of Light during the winter solstice re-blessing ceremony. 

If you’re wondering about how did this number came about, in mandarin we say that the Pillar of Light has “九十一个位”, meaning that there are 91 vacancies for rings to be re-blessed on the Pillar of Light. The pronounciation of 91 in mandarin is similar to the pronounciation of the numbers 9-4-1.

And the basic shape of the ring is a circle, which numerically resembles the number zero, so the Pillar of Light having 91 vacancies for rings derived today’s 4D first prize winning number 9410!

P: Fantastic!

A: Our heartiest congratulations to all our customers who have bought this winning number. Understanding the immense power of this Pillar of Light, let’s now take a look at it in detail.

P:Thank you very much. First of all, this originates from the south of India, a state which is called Kerala. The reason that this is called the Pillar of Light is because it is a direct translation from its original Indian name. Are you wondering how this is so important to the Indian tradition and culture?

(Pillar of Light lit up in the night)

P: In the Indian culture, worshippers will pour oil in the lamp and light it up using wicks. Just imagine the beautiful sight of this gorgeous structure with all the lights! The underlying meaning is about light winning over darkness, and celebrating knowledge over ignorance.

A: Darkness, yes!

P: But it is not only limited to these dualities. It is also about celebration and happiness. I can very well envision many happy faces both in those days and also today going around appreciating the light and soaking in the good vibes.

It is an absolutely beatiful spectacle. Look at how the lamp is in the day adorned with a bed of fresh rose petals with 91 individually customised Lotus on Water signature Heaven and Earth jadeite rings for the re-blessing ceremony. After which, it is fully lit up and we witness the light literally dancing in the night.

Now, when you wear such a ring that has been designed using the teachings of fengshui and blessed to such a degree, it gives you an extra boost of power. And for those who have the oppportunity to wear two of these rings, its power grows to another level.

A: These are really awesome rings! And these team up with the Pillar of Light that chases away the darkness to bring victory and righteousness. There are even more symbols and unique features at the bottom of the Pillar of Light. For example, the turtle, the naga, and the snake at the bottom and the lion on top! 

We have more and more customers buying these rings, we call them the 双龙夺珠戒指, Double Dragon Heaven and Earth ring, a signature of Lotus on Water that is created by Master Yun. For anyone interested, you may reach out to Cola at 81378024 and fix an appointment with him to understand more about your life destiny, upgrade yourself, upgrade your luck, and upgrade your prosperity.

A: I sincerely hope our audience will have the opportunity to purchase these rings because there are many customers who bought these rings and can testify that they indeed work. Wearing the ring on different fingers evoke different blessings. The middle finger boosts direct wealth and prosperity, and the baby finger attracts benefectors and converts obstacles to opportunities. Since so many people have achieved that, I’m sure you can too if you give yourself the chance! 

Mr Pino, is there anything else that you wish to share about this Pillar of Light?

P: I just want to say one more word and I leave you all in peace.  We must remember that the lion represents power. Therefore the transmission of power is not only through the re-blessing by Master Yun, but also from the Pillar of Light as these ring sit on the beautiful lamp. The lion stands for power, courage, and positive force.

A: In summary, wearing the Lotus on Water signature Double Dragon Heaven and Earth jadeite ring will boost the wearer’s courage, power and positive force. Congratulations again to all our customers who have placed your rings on this gorgeous Pillar of Light!

Special thanks to Mr Pino and Ashley Sim for the knowledge and guidance.

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