
Wednesday, December 28, 2022


在刚刚的冬至庆典, 相信大家对那条神笔龙记忆尤新, 云大师亲自为它开光点睛, 九五至尊神笔龙被唤醒了, 横空出世。


龙, 作为迅猛的灵兽, 向来在旺财馆的许多旺财宝物中出现, 来自它的福祉既快速又迅猛。无论是大热卖的双龙夺珠戒指或是风水书法龙鹤系列, 都有它的身影。


这条九五至尊神笔龙的身体非常鲜艳, 熟悉云大师的画的朋友会觉得它好像是从画中飞出, 从头到尾写了书法九和五, 象征九五至尊, 也是权力的象征。九是至阳的数字, 五是从一到九中间的数字, 所以这条龙能够照顾到从九运一直到一运。九运属火, 南方大旺, 但充满了不确定性, 难以掌控, 唯一能够应对不确定性并且来去自如的就是人的智慧, 洞察力和想象力, 文化在九运里做生意时尤其重要。就像这条龙, 智慧可以是温和和色彩斑斓的, 也可以是迅猛的, 如守护菩萨们手中的慧剑, 即刻斩断烦恼。

它是一条书法龙, 墨水龙, 身上的颜料是云大师亲自调配的, 也是他亲自绘画的。在黑暗里龙是蓝色, 也是一条水龙。 水, 对应着一运时大旺的北方。

升则飞腾于宇宙之间,隐则潜伏于波涛之内, 龙乘时变化,犹人得志而纵横四海, 龙翔九天, 犹人步步高升, 飞黄腾达。和云大师的画一样, 在越暗的夜里, 发出越夺目的光辉。

龙是难以驯服的神兽, 能腾云驾雾,呼风唤雨,翻搅起四海云水,威力无边。它还能帮助人类。天下旱涝,庄稼丰歉, 全凭它的旨意。在仪式上云大师用象征文化的公主的飞天凤冠召唤龙, 凤起龙潜, 再用从凤冠取出的观音印章加盖在龙的额头, 观音降龙, 所以龙的旺气能为人所用, 为典礼加持加力加气。凤冠和54枚心经印章把福气带给现场的每一位观众, 龙吐出牡丹花, 意为口吐芬芳也是富贵, 金吉蛋也是龙吐珠。

所谓神笔, 值得一提的是云大师用来加持客户宝物的笔是用贵妃竹, 牛角和羊毫制作, 其实要挥动一支这么长的笔需要很多力气。九运的火, 不同于八运的土, 不能放在手掌, 它必须依附在别的东西上, 比如木。这支蘸满朱砂的笔就好像用竹(木)来承载燃烧的火焰, 用来加持客户的宝物, 木火通明, 在风水上赐予客户非凡的智慧和灵感。


大家还记得八运中诞生的黄梨龙吗? 云大师独创的黄梨龙十年间曾经给不少客户带来旺运。这次的冬至主题之一是守护, 许多人在八运里旺了地产, 得到财富, 在接下来的九运里我们还能守住这份财富, 继续旺下去吗? , 很多画和宝物得到了神笔龙的加持和旺气, 相信这次宝物在冬至加持开光, 一定能在2023年非同凡想!


每年冬至, 客户都将旺财宝物带回来重新吸收旺气。


降妖圣火令灯柱有91个位置, 戒指会在白天摆放上去吸收旺气和接受云大师的重新开光, 夜晚时会点燃灯柱, 从白天旺到晚上。



想要了解旺权威, 灵感和偏财的檀香守护神, 请看:

如果你错过了冬至庆典, 现在选购的宝物还是有机会被神笔龙加持的, 让刚被“九五至尊神笔龙”加持过的朱砂开光。


赶快来馆沾沾旺气, 顺便与它说一下自己来年的愿望。

-- 穆兰

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

2022 Winter Solstice Blessing Celebration The Phoenix Dancing and The Dragon Soars: NEW RELEASE--The Sandalwood Zodiac Guardian Buddha Pendants

Definitely an exciting New Release in this 2022 Winter Solstice Blessing Celebration! 

Do you remember that Lotus on Water launched a new series of Zodiac Guardian Buddha Jadeite Pendants in 2020 during the pandemic period? And there were 8 different Zodiac Guardian Buddha during that launch!

Here is the link to the series of Zodiac Guardian Buddha Jadeite in 2020:

The Zodiac Guardian Buddha Jadeites are a great hit among many clients! Many clients even asked Lotus on Water for Sandalwood or Agarwood Guardian Buddha Pendants. And some even asked for Guardian Buddha statues for the house!

Sandalwood Guardian Buddha series

2022 Winter Solstice Blessing Celebration NEW RELEASE is the Sandalwood Zodiac Guardian Buddha Pendants. And so......there will be 7 different Zodiac Guardian Buddhas. The very popular Sandalwood Thousand Hand Guanyin Buddha being the first Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Rat had been released few years back! Not only this, each of the 7 Zodiac Guardian Buddhas are carved into 2 to 3 different sandalwood designs. That is truly an exciting launch!

Master Yun has great foresight. He had personally designed this series of Zodiac Guardian Buddha way before the pandemic. It was launched at the right time to guard your health and wealth especially during the pandemic period. It was first carved on jadeite pendants. And now......the Zodiac Guardian Buddhas are carved on the sandalwood!

Guardian Buddha designs drafted by Master Yun in 2015 

Do you know what Zodiac Guardian Buddha 生肖守护神 is? You definitely got to know what Zodiac Guardian Buddha is as it connects very closely with you.

8 Guardian Buddha Jadeites 

Buddhism believes that everyone is born with the blessing of a certain Buddha! Each of the 12 animal zodiac signs 十二生肖 has its own Buddhist protector 守护神. 

The Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Rat: The Thousand Hands Guan Yin!

Through the Heavenly Stems 天干and Earthy Branches 地支, the twelve-linked causal formula and the mutual generation of five elements, namely earth, water, fire, air and wind, the 12 animal zodiac signs are blessed by eight Buddhas. You should know and show respect to your Guardian Buddha. So ...... which is your Guardian Buddha? 

Check out the photos to find out which is your Guardian Buddha.

Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Ox and Tiger: Akasagarbha Bodhisattva

We are in the Period 8 now. We are moving into Period 9 in 2024. In the year 2024, we will officially move into the Period 9 cycle, which is another whole new 20-years cycle. This is the period when the Earth changes to the Fire element. Earth is stable, Fire is volatile, so we will expect a lot of changes coming to you fast and furious and uncertain!

The Guardian Buddha for those born in the year of Rabbit: Manjusri Bodhisattva!


What can be done?

With Period 8 ending and Period 9 on the way, you will need more pieces of sandalwood. Master Yun has already foreseen the importance of more sandalwood for personal and house fengshui. Sandalwood is a MUST HAVE for Period 8, and of course, even more important for the upcoming Period 9 from 2024 onwards!

The Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Dragon and Snake: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva

Sandalwood is to take care of human-related matters and you will need creativity and a whole lot of inspirations. The coming period 9 can be challenging if you do not take good care of the human-related matters. Beside these benefits, sandalwood can also boost your indirect wealth too.

The Guardian Buddha for those born in the year of Horse: Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva

The Zodiac Guardian Buddhas are carved on sandalwood. It is from the Tonga sandalwood 东加檀香, the next grade after the highest old mountain sandalwood 老山檀香.With your Zodiac Guardian Buddha carved on the sandalwood, it is definitely a perfect idea! You have the protection from the Zodiac Guardian Buddha and also the benefits of the Tonga grade sandalwood for the upcoming challenges!

Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Goat and Monkey: Vairocana Buddha

The Zodiac Guardian Buddha will bless you and turn ill luck into good, improve your career, wealth, love, study and health, have treasures fill the home, or get promoted in official career.

The Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Rooster: Acalanatha Bodhisattva

You can wear your own Sandalwood Zodiac Guardian Buddha closed to your heart for your personal fengshui. You can also placed other recommended Sandalwood Zodiac Guardian Buddhas at the right sectors in the house for your house fengshui. There are more than one sectors in the house to place the sandalwood in this Period 8 and 9. You definitely should not miss these great opportunities for greater achievements in your life. How many more 20 years do you have? Do not miss the chance! 

属狗和猪的守护神: 阿弥陀佛 
The Guardian Buddha of those born in the year of Dog and Pig: Amitabha Buddha

The limited edition come in 3 sizes and from 22  to 31 Dec:
$30,868 (entry)
$33,868 (medium)
$36,868 (large)

After 31st Dec 2022, all increase upward by one price category, $30,868 becomes $33,868! Early bird will get the best piece with the best price!

Tonga Sandalwood Zodiac Guardian Buddha is a remarkable must have item to complete your PRAS, elevate your personal and house fengshui.

Fast hand get the upper hand for 2023!

Contact Mr Cola at 8137 8024 for an appointment to find out more.   


到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

2022 Winter Solstice Blessing Ceremony: MAKE A GUESS! What Do We Have For You?

Lotus on Water has been releasing new sandalwood pendants in many consecutive reblessing events. In the past, we have the Thousand Hands Guan Yin Sandalwood Pendant 千手千眼檀香观音牌, the Pineapple Dragon Sandalwood Pendant 黄梨龙檀香牌 and the Peacock King Sandalwood Pendant引福檀香孔雀明王.

Mr Kan: Very soon, it’s going to be Winter Solstice. Then, 2023. And then, the new 20-years fengshui cycle begins. It’s fortunate that we are active in these times. And the fortune will be real when we seize these times.

And just during the last Winter Solstice Reblessing ceremony in 2021, we have the Zhong Kui Sandalwood Pendant 八方来财檀香钟馗, bringing wealth from 8 Directions. And.....few months later, during Chinese New Year Reblessing ceremony in February 2022, we have the Sandalwood Heavenly Dragon云龙有道斐济檀香, bringing in power and wealth.

So, are we having another series of sandalwood pendants for you during the 2022 Winter Solstice Reblessing ceremony again?

OF COURSE! Definitely is SANDALWOOD again!

It is one of most important MUST HAVES before the arrival of Period 9 九运!

Why is this so?

We are in the Period 8 now. We are moving into Period 9 in 2024. In the year 2024, we will officially move into the Period 9 cycle, which is another whole new 20-years cycle. This is the period when the Earth changes to the Fire element. Earth is stable, Fire is volatile, so we will expect a lot of changes coming to you fast and uncertain!

FAST AND UNCERTAIN! Nobody likes that!

This explained why is sandalwood the next MUST HAVE for the coming Period 9. It is to take care of human-related matters and you will need need creativity and a whole lot of inspirations. The coming period 9 can be challenging if you do not take good care of the human-related matters. Beside these benefits, sandalwood can also boost your indirect wealth too.

Definitely there must be a very important reason for Lotus on Water to launch these series of sandalwood at a few consecutive years. Master Yun has always predicted many things way before many others. Some say he uses fengshui to tell the future. But I would say Master Yun has powerful foresight. Therefore, sandalwood is definitely a MUST HAVE to boost the personal and house fengshui!

It is already Winter Solstice 2022! The next Winter Solstice will be in Dec 2023! And it will be too close to 2024 and probably too late for you to make important decisions for your future 20 years in Period 9!

Early birds get the worms 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 is always right. If you are the early birds to start preparing for your Period 9, you are definitely into your prosperity journey earlier than many others. You not only get your worms earlier and faster but also many many more worms! You not only unlock your prosperity faster but is GREATER and GREATER prosperity!

And in this 2022 Winter Solstice event, which sandalwood collections do we have for you?

Make a guess!

Call Mr Cola at 81378024 now to make an appointment to visit the Lotus on Water and you will know the answer!


到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

凤冠守护万千福, 龙心神笔九五尊——2022冬至庆典之凤舞龙腾

冬至, 既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是民间的传统祭祖节日。冬至是四时八节之一,自周朝起在古代民间有“冬至大如年”的讲法。冬至是北半球各地白昼最短、黑夜最长的一天, 作为一个转折点, 也是一个吉日,如《汉书》中说:“冬至阳气起,君道长,故贺。” 意思是过了冬至,白昼一天比一天长,太阳回升,是一个太阳直射点往返循环的开始,应该庆贺。

冬至后第一缕阳光是新的一年的起点, 即将到来的2022年12月22日, 云龙子旺财馆迎来冬至庆典, 这将是在疫情过后首个热闹舞龙的实体庆典。

每一年的对联都会暗藏玄机, 《凤冠守护万千福, 龙心神笔九五尊》是什么意思呢?

如果你去过总馆, 一定对一顶陈列在橱窗的金冠印象深刻, 到今天它依然金光闪闪, 不仅珍稀, 而且年代久远。Apsara 仙女舞蹈是代表高棉民族最重要的文化精神象征之一, 用舞蹈取悦诸神, 降下福气。布拜德威公主殿下 (Her Royal Highness Princess Norodom Buppha Devi) 曾经戴着这顶飞天凤冠跳舞, 为王室和国家祈福, 王冠是权力和地位的象征,公主在云大师47岁生日赠送给他, 也是公主世上仅存的唯一一顶凤冠。冬至庆典上云大师会请它召唤旺气。

守护意味着守护各种各样的福气。我们正在迎来八运 (2004 -2024)的最后一年, 八运属土, 土是有形且稳定的, 在这二十年间最旺的是地产。我们需要守护八运积累的财富和声望, 也要借九运的下一个20年使自己更旺。 即将到来的九运 (2024-2044) 属火, 火没有固定的形状而且不稳定, 难以捉摸, 不能像土一样被拿在手中, 这也意味着每换一次大运所旺的行业都不一样。想知道什么行业在下一个大运大旺吗, 一定要观看冬至庆典。

还记得很久以前云大师在馆前画的一条龙吗? 云大师会在冬至庆典将这条非常特别的九五至尊神笔龙唤醒来加持朱砂, 在傍晚6:58分祝福客户的旺财宝物。九是至阳的数字, 象征权威, 一运 (属水)也象征权威, 五是中间的数字, 所以九五尊在未来很长一段时间是权威的象征。

龙威力强大同时也难以驯服, 54枚般若波罗蜜多心经印章会在庆典上发挥重要的作用。拓印过心经印章的朱砂将更有威力, 用来开光风水宝物, 让我们的事业生活更上一层楼! 云大师也会在当天会为40本心经册页盖印章, 你收集了多少个心经印章?

既然火是难以琢磨, 强弱不定, 容易灼伤双手, 人们需要洞察先机, 抓住难以琢磨的九运。 神笔象征洞察力, 想象力, 就像孙悟空的金箍棒可大可小, 可重万斤, 也可轻得像一根针, 难以驾驭的凶猛神器会找一位与之相称的主人, 作为投资者你能否在正确的时间投资正确的领域, 作为老板你是否洞悉员工的优势善加利用?

云大师会在冬至庆典上用降妖圣火令灯塔Pillar of Light为顾客加持戒指。共有7层, 位置有限, 赶快联系Cola预订吧!

2023年有哪些能为您全家带来旺运必不可少的宝物? 敬请留意当天馆内的分享与问题, 到时会有丰富的奖品供您赢取。

这次《凤冠守护万千福, 龙心神笔九五尊》之凤舞龙腾的周年庆又有什么精彩活动呢?是不是应该亲临现场沾一沾当天的旺气呢?12月22日当天,记得带您的家人与朋友一起来参与!我们就在云龙子旺财馆见!

~~ Mu Lan

到你旺了 Your turn to prosper:
+65 8876 3970 (WhatsApp)
+65 8137 8024 (Cola)

Or, PM us directly.


Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

从画展到生产力的联想 From Art exhibition to productivity

云大师曾说我们不能决定能得到什么, 那是上天的意志, 我们能决定的是怎样投下种子, 浇水施肥。

Once upon a time, Master Yun has mentioned we cannot decide what we are going to get, because it is the will of heaven, but we can always decide how we plant the seeds, water and nurture them.

(Master Yun interviewed by 新加坡万事通 Vaster News, on fengshui, Chinese culture, and the coming 20-years new fengshui cycle云大师接受新加坡万事通Vaster News的采访,谈关于风水、中华文化,以及来临的20年风水大运)

Chijmes画展在2022年10月26 日到28日举行, 来自著名服装设计师 Mr. Eric Raisina的丝绸时装走秀和 Master Yun的风水画给人们留下深刻印象, 很多人还记忆尤新。

The art exhibition at Chijmes has been held from 26th Oct to 28th Oct 2022, many people were impressed by the silk fashion show from textile master Mr. Eric Raisina and Feng shui paintings from Master Yun, most are still vivid in our mind.

办画展并不容易, 从计划到实现, 还有很多最后一分钟的突发事件。就好像在画展上关于义气的演讲, 他的演讲稿上标注着各种符号, 以提醒他的手和身体的动作, 不然这场演讲就会成为一场随随便便的演讲。这种力求尽美的付出一直都在, 众所周知, 风水馆的宝物不仅漂亮, 还有思想和深度, 这就是义气。

To hold an art exhibition is not easy, from planning to realization, as well as many last minute changes. Just like the speech regarding the virtue of “Yi” from Master yun, his speech manuscripts are full of different symbols, to remind himself with certain hand sign and body gestures to do during speech, otherwise it will become a mediocre speech. As you all know, the treasures from gallery are not only beautiful, but also with understanding of culture and philosophy, these are really from “Yi Qi”.

云大师提到全球最大的對沖基金桥水基金创办人Ray Dalio有关生产力的三条经验法则, 不仅适用于经济学, 更是个人。

Master Yun mentioned 3 principals related to productivity recommended by Ray Dalio from the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, not only for economics, but also individuals.

1 不要让债务的增长速度超过收入。

Do not let your debts grow faster than income. Eg. Borrow money to spend on you do not deserve to spend.

信贷是经济中最重要的一部分, 最大也最变幻莫测, 借款人一旦获得信贷就能增加自己的支出。支出是经济的驱动力。在一项交易中, 为了获得某样东西你必须付出另一样东西, 长期来看你得到多少取决于你生产多少。生产率的提高不会剧烈波动, 因此不是经济起伏的一个重要动力。但是债务是这种动力, 因为我们能够通过借债让消费超过产出。但是在还债时不得不让消费低于产出。

Credit is the most important part of the economy, biggest and most volatile part. When a borrower receives credit, he is able to increase his spending, spending drives the economy. In a transaction, you have to give something in order to get something, and how much you get depends on how much you produce. Productivity growth does not fluctuate much, so it is not a big driver of economic swings. Debt is- because it allows us to consume more than we produce when we acquire it, and force us to consume less than we produce when we pay it back.

债务通常会导致一系列可以预料和发生在未来的事情。债务也并不都是坏事, 如果信贷可以用来提高生产率, 帮你赚更多的钱, 不仅还清债务, 还提高生活水平。

Because it sets into motion a mechanical, predictable series of events that will happen in the future. Credit isn’t necessarily something bad that just causes cycles. However, it’s good when it efficiently allocates resources and produces income so you can pay back the debt.

云大师说我们都不是完美的人, 但可以通过努力来改变性格中不好的债务, 变成好的资产。

We are not perfect, but we can always change liabilities in Character to assets in Character.

云大师说生活有时会给我们上一课, 有时好, 有时坏, 这都不要紧, 接受并且充分利用它。

Life always give us lessons, sometimes sweet , sometimes not so sweet, just take it and make best out of it.

2 不要让收入的增长速度超过生产率, 因为这最终会让你失去竞争力。

Do not allow your income be higher than productivity, otherwise loose competitiveness sooner or later.

经济学中一个人的花费是另一个人的收入, 然而这花费是借贷还是现金, 结果都会使价格上涨。如果不是因为现金增加, 那么上涨的负债会到还不清的地步。

One person’s spending is another person’s income, no matter spending is in credit or cash, it will push the price of goods to increase. But if the credit has been used more than productivity, the debts can not be repaid eventually.

画展上看到许多专业的模特, 但做一位专业的模特是不容易的, 要穿出设计师本身的风格, 还需要来自各个方面的考验。例如每次走秀前要参加试镜, 维持衣服的光洁度。

We saw lots of professional models in the fashion show, it is not easy to be a professional model, there are many tests beside walking in style and elegantly in the textile from designer, Eg. Attend Model audition, keep the clothes neat and care for details.

每一天的走秀都需要模特们及工作人员提前3-4小时就准备, 以带来一场视觉飨宴。

People need to be line up 3-4 hours to be able to model on the session.

这个社会总是在很多层面而不是单一层面来测试我们, 例如学生参加数学考试, 他必须先理解题目的英文叙述。

The world almost test on multiple levels/items on many things instead of 1 singular item, for example, students attend mathematics exam, they need to understand the questions written in English thoroughly before answering.

云大师通常对馆里工作人员设定一道题目, 你昨天的贡献有哪些? 有给别人带来好处吗?

There is one question Master Yun asked people working in gallery, what is your contribution yesterday, does it benefit others?

他常说他可以教追随他的人怎样做一位君子, 每天给别人一口饭吃, 1天做1件, 10年做3,650件, 30年10,000件。因为做出去的终究都会回来。

He always teach followers how to be a “君子”, benefit others every day, do 1 good deed in a day, that will be 3,650 in 10 years, 10,000 in 30 years…keep this going, it will come back to you.

3 尽一切努力提高生产力。

Always focus on productivity.

虽然信贷在短期内最重要。生产率在长期内最关键, 我们的知识随时间增多, 知识的积累会提高我们的生活水平, 我们将此称为生产率的提高。一个善于创新和勤奋的人相比那些自满和懒惰的人更快的提高生产率和生活水平。

Productivity matters most in the long run, but credit matters in the short run. Over time we learned and that accumulated knowledge raises our living standards, we call this productivity growth. Those who were invented and hard-working raise their productivity and their living standards faster than those who are complacent and lazy.

信任在任何场合都是重要的, 每个模特都是一件艺术品, 好像画家所用的颜料, 一位出色的画家当然知道什么样的颜料可以让他的画作传神!

The trust is always important in every event, models are like chemicals used by painter, the painter will surely know what color to use to make his painting vivid and expressive!

一场好的画展需要团体合作, 需要牺牲和妥协, 这其中也包括和来自不同背景文化的人合作。

The art exhibition involves good team work, sacrifice and compromise, also including working with people from different cultures.

这次服装秀有超过一半的模特是风水馆的客人和子女, 为什么会这样安排呢? 云大师说在人前自信的行走是很棒的, 你的人生只有一次, 就让每次的行走成为你人生最好的一次吧!

More than half of the models are actually clients or clients’ child, why is that so? It is great to walk confidently in front of people. You only have one life, let every single walk be the best walk you have.


Are you prepared to increase productivity in the 9th cycle in the next 20 years or even earlier?

~~ Mu Lan

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Prosperity with Elegance, Lotus on Water.