
Thursday, April 24, 2014

KEEP CALM and WEAR JADE, and expect the best

Some random thoughts on the last Penang trip, thought I might share it here.

The sunrise was beautiful. If you have observed a sunrise before, you will notice that every single moment, a new image presents itself. One of the most volatile periods of a day, the other being evening, reminds me that change is constant, regardless of who we are, what we do. The stars are constantly moving.

There will be a time when things are changing for the seemingly-not-so-good. Like suddenly the light went off, the tunnel is pitch black, and darkness feels like eternity. 

But bear in mind. The light is coming. If it can change for the seemingly-not-so-good, it can surely and definitely change for the better, the fantastic and the prosperous. And the change might happen immediately. It might happen in the next door that opens, or the next phonecall.

And since the constantly moving stars are not something we can control, the only thing we can do would really be: KEEP CALM and WEAR JADE, and expect the best. Expect the best out of every person we meet, every opportunity that comes in our way.

There is definitely a reason to every change that happens. Perhaps it might be so grand that we don't understand just yet. Or it has not been revealed to us. But just be steadfast, wear our Lotus jadeite, and expect the very best. Because I believe we deserve it.

And, expect the best.

One upcoming change - that also can't be controlled: Summer is coming, in less than 12 days. Start of summer 立夏 is imminent. That means spring of 2014 will officially end, one-quarter of the Wood Horse year has gone by. 

That also means a great opportunity to up our aura, luck and prosperity. This is more than a change of month. This is a change of seasons - a brilliant and effective time to have your loved ones start with their first Lotus jadeite, or to up your own luck even further.

Seize our opportunities, seize our luck, seize our prosperity.

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