
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Let the Sun be Sun. Let the Rain be Rain.

I was in a discussion group, a council committee whereby I was elected a member and agreed to join recently, to contribute to a certain society.

During the discussion, a suggestion was made. A committee member has his view. I felt compelled to give mine too. My view, which happens to be different from most members' discussion, engaged everybody in a heated discussion. Well I gave my view, and tried my best to convince them to see things from an angle they have probably considered, and that's quite enough. That's the duty I am to perform and I have done it.

One member said: "I agree with what the president has said..."

I looked at him in his eyes with a faint smile. I thought you are suppose to give a view and cast a vote based on your conscience and conviction, and not based on what the president has said.

It is precisely because of this that I have turned down many committee and council group to be their president. With the status I am in, I would have invited a lot of votes from individuals who cast them not based on their conscience and conviction, but based on the relation they have or they want to have with me.

I believe the Universe gave a vision to a group of people, he would not give the full detail picture to just one person. If that is His purpose, He would have just made one person see and the rest of us blind.

The full vision of the Universe would be too much for just one person to contain and fulfill.

Yes the Universe may have given a picture to one person. But there will be detail pictures of certain parts that He gave to other individuals. The different individuals come together with their angles and views of the picture, and with each individual parts to piece the pieces together. That's when a dream comes true and the vision becomes reality,

Have true conviction to your conscience and aspiration. Then, there will be beauty and greatness.

It should be a dream come true not just from and to one person, but from and to each person.

Recently we have weird weather. The sun was uncomfortably scorching a few weeks, and then rain for many days. Then a miracle happens. Garden who have not bloomed for years suddenly burst into a palate of colors.

It won't work when the rain becomes so agreeable that it shines like the sun. It won't work when the sun shows loyalty by transforming itself into the rain.

They each must retain the integrity of the conviction that Universe has placed in them. They each must express the peculiar grace they are meant to shine.

It seems weird to have extreme weather (actually not so weird after all since we don't even have snow here). But it is through this weirdness that greatness and beauty are created.

We each speak, our own conscience and our own conviction. Then the miracle of beauty and greatness will be performed.

-- Master Yun Long Zi, 18 April 2014

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