Part Five of Five: The Hearing
Genghis Khan of Mongol had the biggest battle in Mongol against the most powerful Khan who is his sworn brother. As the two troops of army were facing each other, suddenly the weather turned. There were great thunderstorm.
Mongolians were very very afraid of thunders. They felt as though the Heaven they worshiped was firing His wrath on them.
Thus when the thunder came, the enemies lay flat down on the ground covering themselves.
But Genghis Khan rode proudly on his horse, as if sent down by Heaven to judge the mortals. Genghis Khan won the war without a fight.
His sworn brother in captive asked him: all mongols are afraid of thunder. Why aren't you ?
Genghis said: "When I was chased down by enemies, there was no where to hide in this vast grass land. And thunder came. The thunder did not harm me. In fact it protected me from the enemies because they don't dare to come out to hunt me when there is thunder. So I know that thunder is not the wrath of Heaven against me."
Imagine when we are hunted down by enemies like Genghis was, and there is a great thunder, we would think it's God punishing us. We have internal guilt as we are not perfect. But the thunder is not to harm us. It makes us strong and courageous. It prepares us for great future challenges that we can win many wars easily because we will be much stronger then.
Let the Lotus Thousand Hands Guan Yin protect you from calamities. This is carved of clear quartz. |
So when we face calamities even when we walk on the path of faith, let's call it the thunder sent by Heaven.
The court hearing with Mr Ang is one of the event I would call the thunder sent by Heaven.
I knew the enemies were plotting all around. Many of these enemies were once, my sworn brothers.
They left me no path to walk away, and I just have to walk straight and proud.
Before the hearing, I was advised to speak in a much humbler tone and submissive attitude, to show respect to the judge so that he will be pleased with me, and will be in favor of me.
I looked at the kind advisor and told him, there is only one way I speak and it will be that way I speak in court, in conviction and with deep belief.
I respect the judge, yes of course, for he is the emblem of law of which without, we won't be living in this peaceful and civilized world. And I would trust that even if he does not like me due to what I believe and the kind of attitude I have, he would still grant me a fair judgement. And my trust in him to fulfill his duty would be the greatest respect I have for him.
Lawsuit is something that the Asians are not very fond of. Basically we don't like confrontation. Me too.
Worst, the media would make lots and lots of stories, most of the time nothing to do with the case, but all to do with the people associated with the case. And you know, bad news are always more popular than good news.
For instance, a few years ago, there was an investigation on a abbot who raised money for charity. The aim of the hearing and investigation was supposed to be how responsible was he in using the money entrusted to him. And he was not supposed to be judged innocent or guilty before the verdict was out.
But the media spent a large portion of the story, day in day out, even before the verdict is out, speculating his sexual life and preference.
So when the verdict was out, no one remember what the verdict was. People remembered and giggled, and gossiped on who he slept with, how many partners he have had.
A media friend admitted to us that the ones who were responsible for writing his story were bitter against him because they felt he always looked down upon them. They cannot wait to avenge him.
So while the judge pass verdict on him legally in the court room, the media pass verdict on him emotionally in the hearts of people. They did it by manipulating on the basal element of people, the sensual, sexual and sensational.
And when the sensual, sexual and sensational sing in loud rocking band, the sensibility of human civility is reduced into quietness.
That is why the Chinese call the reporters "emperors without crown". And we can only pray that the emperors would not turn into tyrant, due to personal bias or due to bribery. Defenseless people could only hope that they do have good judgement and sound conscience. And not like my media friends who avenge on someone just because they think he looked down on them.
But the media people cannot be totally blamed. The survival of the media depends on the patronage of the majority. And majority do prefer the sensual, sexual and sensational.
Mr Kan is most worried, not with the legal battle, but with the media battle. The legal battle is all about right and wrong but the media battle is more than that. And our media friends who were our sworn brothers has fallen out with us.
Mr Kan expressed his concern with me.
I smiled and said: it's a sign. Look at our Thousand Hands Guan Yin, she does not just have one spear, but two long spears, one at each of her hands. She knows we don't have just one battle, but two battles to fight at the same time.
"But it is so difficult to win..." Kan retorted.
"Of course it is," I replied, "so that when we win, you know it's not by human intellect, connections and skills that we win. We have that which is higher, and surpasses human ability that will help us win. And I believe it's a lesson for you, so that when you help clients win their wars, you will have faith that they shall win as well."
One of such Lotus Qi Nan. It's rarity is above all Lotus collections. |
I did my due by wearing the very very rare and precious Qi Nan. Qi Nan is the highest and rarest grade of Agarwood. Most of the time I won't put it in my gallery. Only when I find and obtained a new piece of Qi Nan, then would I release the old piece away.
Qi Nan will help to attract benefactor to you. Although most of the time I believe in receiving what you have paid for, sometimes you may need special favor of a great benefactor who can turn things around.
At this instance, no amount of hard work or money I put in can make the media like me or speak in favor of me.
Mr Kan even think that my act of inviting all the media people to the hearing is like a kamikaze. I was just trusting my instinct.
Qi Nan has a way of entering into the depth of your subconscious and activate the part of your brain that you have not utilized.
A lot of people call me brilliant after things happen in my favor. Some think I am just plain lucky. I just trust my instinct. Especially when I am wearing my Qi Nan. And things always turn out right.
Maybe that's how luck works.
I was more or less sure I will win in the court, although even the best lawyer can guarantee nothing of this sort. But I was also not sure about the media war.
So I did my meditation in front of the Thousand Hands Guan Yin. I placed the Imperial White Inkstone in front of her and asked her for the direction as I ground the red vermillion stick onto the White Inkstone.
Mr Kan was more diligent than me. He did that meditation every other hour and I began to laugh at him.
We spoke about the Imperial White Inkstone in PART 3. It is back again. |
Just as I was laughing, an idea came to me. I told Kan, let us not play defensive in the media war. Let us be more proactive. Since we cannot avoid being seen by the reporters walking out of the high court and stop them from writing about us, let us just invite all of them for the hearing. And I am going to put on my most formal and traditional gown which I use only on most important occasion.
Besides, I perform the ceremony of the rutilated quartz to enhance fame and reputation.
And so the hearing began.
Calmness came upon me like a thick and warm blanket. I felt as though the world has stopped moving. I can hear everything so clearly. I felt even a little trickle of humour within me. I almost felt like poking fun of the lawyer who cross examined me with his unfruitful questioning using different permutations of sentence structures. Of course I did not. I was conscious that I do need to look serious and behave in the most respectful manner. I got a bit surprise that I do in fact, quite enjoy the cross examination session.
As expected, the camera man waited for me as I walked out. I allowed them to take photograph of me as I walked out of the high court. The breeze was Heaven sent. It blew my gown up a little. The next day when I appeared on newspaper, my clients said I looked like I descended from Heaven.
A few clients strike 4d lottery. With different inspiration they each received. One bought the number 1000. Another bought the number 9980. Mr Kan asked him why he bought 9980. He said it's one Thousand Hands Guan Yin and Mr Ang said there were two fingers broken. One thousand minus two is 998. Oh! So how come there is a "0" behind the 998? Well! Because it cannot be broken. If they were broken when he bought it, why should he pay for more than half a million for it? Good inspiration coupled with good logic!
And another bought the amount of the Guan Yin price and won as well.
My clients told Mr Kan that Lotus on Water never stop giving wealth inspiration even during a court hearing.
I am glad that so many people have received something good out of this event. They must possess the same positive faith with us. Their spirit was in line with us.
One thing is sure for Lotus on Water: we never had received such great publicity before. We were all over different newspapers.
The two long spears right in front of the sandalwood Guan Yin have helped us to win a double war -- the legal war and the media war. The thousand hands behind her has helped to stretch and brings many blessings to those whose energy and spirit are in line with us.
Before Mr Ang was cross examined, he looked pompous and full of confidence when he walked in. I smiled at him, he sneered at me.
Just fifteen minutes into the cross examination, he began to make mistakes. He said something and he contradicted himself straightaway, he forgot his own story and his own claim, finally he refused to answer questions straight, he just gave his own statements that has nothing to do with the cross examination questions. At last realizing himself that there were too many self contradiction, he kept quiet and stopped answering questions.
The judge started from demanding for straight forward answers to getting angry and interrupting him to reprimanding him. At last even the judge kept quiet and just glared at him.
As I sat there watching his performance, my heart went from getting surprise with his clowning to feeling shy for him. At last I even felt pitiful for him for he has got to be the only person to face this.
There is no one to help him. None of his friends and gangs could go up to answer questions on his behalf. This is one of those time you have to face it all on your own, like facing the judgement of your karma. He has always claimed that he is a devout believer. He could have called out to Guan Yin for help. But how would his Thousand Hands Guan Yin help him since he claimed that two fingers were broken?
While I was thinking, I looked side way and saw Mr Kan turning and touching his Double Dragon jadeite ring round and round his last finger. Mr Kan never failed to spend his youthful energy fighting against the Lotus enemy.
When Mr Ang walked down. He still tried walking in big strides. And his photo was taken too. His photo was taken too. But at a dramatic expression of mouth wide open, one eye close and one palm stretched out. As if yelling willfully.
Apparently he has changed his name. Nobody would know who he was by hearing his name. But when his look was exposed, all who had past acquaintance with him knew who he was. People gossiped to each other about his past, about how he made his money.
He ought to lose, since he was telling lies he thought no one can find out. Yet he thought people would forget his past which he thought changing his name would solve? How could he ever appear honest again to his shareholders if he wanted to start his life afresh and get his company listed?
How could he have lost so much? If he was still wearing the Agarwood beads he bought from us when he was in his good gracious state.
Then I recalled him changing to fake beads. And I remember people like Ms Moon.
I would never understand why a rich billionaire like Ms Moon wanted to sell cheap fake Agarwood beads. Maybe no one can understand too. And maybe because no one would believe she would sell such things and thus it gave her the full liberty to do it.
The victorious Lotus sandalwood Thousand Hands Guan Yin. |
Maybe one good day, the Thousand Hands Guan Yin would tolerate no more and stretch out one of her weapons to strike at people like Ms Moon. Maybe to bring the share price of her company down to her knees, or hopefully that's not the least. But at this moment, it was the poor Mr Ang who had to pay the very expensive price of believing in liars. And his pathetic wife and beautiful daughters have to bear the shame too. My heart began to pity him and his family.
The verdict was out. The Judge pronounced my victory. The judge said I was more credible in my words. This is the greatest justice done to me.
Those in the under world had been spreading words about the quality and price of our products just to get their merchandise sold. We had not been able to defend ourselves since we are in the light while they are in the dark. We just kept our faith and never let go our faithfulness. We kept our walk on the same untraveled path.
But Heaven is as if speaking out for me through the word of law and mouth of the high court judge. The words and statements of affirmation was clear and public. All the newspapers in the following days had to publish the words of judge's mouth.
I gave thanks to our Thousand Hands Guan Yin. Her two extra fingers has shown to be more powerful than the multitudes of gangs and billions of cash. She blessed not only wealth to those who keep her, she defended the one who keep his faith and his faithfulness. She rewarded us with fame and justice no money can purchase. She touched us with wisdom, inspiration and courage. With two fingers she wiped down the enemies of dark conspiracy and fake friendship.
She, the Sandalwood Thousand Hands Guan Yin, is the Goddess of Ultimate Victory.
-- Master Yun Long Zi, 24 October 2014