Sunday, December 26, 2021

朱雀回朝紫星照,真龙生水玄武威 – 2021冬至庆典之开光加持的法宝

       在这次的冬至庆典里,大家有没有注意到一个很强大的阵容 – 六位随着云龙子大师的"护法"?男的绅士样,女的淑女装!其实他们不是旺财馆的员工,也不是请来的帮工,他们真正的身份是旺财馆的客人!其实在很多与旺财馆相关的场合,我们都会见到他们或与他们一样的朋友,比如节日庆典,Facebook 直播 或云大师的画展。如果您到馆里来,碰到他们的话,他们也会无私的与您分享他们的旺财路程。


        首先是托盘上的宝物 – 有装满朱砂金箔的御用白端,水沉盘香与奇楠粉。这些可是整个加持仪式的精髓!在仪式上,云大师会用抹上金箔的朱砂为客人的宝物开光加持。云大师也会点上水沉盘香,还有把奇楠粉到进香炉里。有些朋友可能不知道,奇楠可是最高级的沉香,所以旺财馆的客人可有福了!别看那一小勺的奇楠粉,它的香味是非笔墨所能形容的。通常在云大师加持仪式后,奇楠的香气高雅清幽,在总馆里持续不散。

        再来就是这次加持仪式最瞩目的一样宝物 --- 定秦剑!我们在直播里看到云大师在现场舞了一段剑法,名为“游龙剑法”!用的剑正是这把定秦剑了。许多人都知道它是秦始皇的剑,所以整把剑处处可以找到与秦始皇息息相关的细节,全都与他的功绩有关。剑的手柄是个24k 镀金制成的金龙头,正是皇权至上的意思。剑鞘上可以看到“秦王出征图”,万里长城与烽火台,象征“秦王扫六合”的六合如意,还有统一货币,文字,度量衡的标志。可以说这把定秦剑“统一” 了秦始皇一些重大的功绩!

        加持或开光仪式一定不会少了它 – 大师的专用的长笔 “文昌笔“。云大师就是用这只长笔,沾上白端上的朱砂与金箔,一点一点的为客人的宝物加持开光。笔的长度刚好能让大师为排在供神台后面的宝物加持。这次在供神台上的宝物多达180盒,已经远远超出往年的数量了。所以简董一而再,再而三地提醒大家如果想把宝物拿来加持的话,一定要提早预约,否则就得失望而归了。还有顺带提醒大家,如果想取回已加持的宝物的话,也得预约哦!

        当云大师在帮灯塔戒指加持时,大家有没有注意到大师是一只手握着长笔,另一手是拿着香炉呢?那个炉就是 “宏愿圆炉“了!这宏愿圆炉是由端砚制成的。 客户们可以用它来烧香,尤其是”五路进财香“,用宏愿圆炉可以增强香的能量哦!

        在整个加持的仪式里,有一个环节是特别所客户们的欢迎的,那就是云大师手握拂尘拍打着金龙水晶山上的金箔。瞬时间,金箔满天飞, 飘入宝物中!这一幕是多么的华贵与美丽啊!云大师在前几年的画展开幕礼里,也曾经用拂尘拍打巨画上的金,银箔,场面更是壮观!成为了画展开幕礼的焦点,观众们津津乐道的话题。

在加持仪式上,云大师会剪一些孔雀翎,加在金箔与朱砂上为大家的宝物加持。熟系旺财馆的朋友,应该对孔雀不会陌生。孔雀虽不是一个我们处处可见的鸟类,但来到旺财馆,您会看到墙壁上挂着许多画有孔雀的风水画。云大师曾经说过 "我笔下的孔雀总是在亮光之下呈现金闪闪的翅膀,也总会在紫外线的照射下,在黑暗中闪烁着满天的星斗。如此一来,孔雀无论在光明还是黑暗中,都是如此鲜艳动人." 所以说孔雀绝对是美丽的象征,也因如此,孔雀翎在加持仪式上扮演了重要的角色。

        大家在看了以上有关于加持法宝的讲解,是否对整个加持开光的仪式了解多一点呢?其中有两样法宝是您可以拥有的,那就是御用白端与宏愿圆炉了!您当然也可以选购一幅云大师画有孔雀的风水画!想了解这两样宝物与风水画的详情,请致电8137 8024 找Cola 问问吧!

-- Wei Ling

Friday, December 24, 2021

Museum in Lotus Special: Winter Solstice Event Part 1 The Pillar Of Light

Master Yun always incorporates new and interesting concepts into his re-blessing sessions. And this Winter Solstice event was no different. Let us find out more with Ashley and Mr Pino!

Ashley (A): Hello, Thank you Mr Kan. Happy Winter Solstice to all who are online. I am Ashley and as what Mr Kan mentioned, we have with us the industry expert in antiques, Mr Pino to celebrate with us this wonderful Winter Solstice.

Mr Pino (P): Hi Ashley, Thank you Mr Kan for the invitation, together with Master Yun. It´s a pleasure for me to be here and to be able to a give a brief explanation of this wonderful pillar... lamp.

A: Yes, this is a very special pillar of light. Mr Pino would actually share with us later. So, what is so special about this today is that there are 91 unique rings from all our customers who are here which are placed on the Lotus petals and this itself is a very priceless antique. So over to you Mr Pino.

P: Ok, so just let me tell you the significance of the pillar of light. In other words, there was oil, wicks and therefore it would be illuminated. And its the kind of energy which i believe each and every ring will receive tonight from the blessing that will take place very shortly. At the base of this wonderful lamp, there is a turtle.

A: It's a magnificent turtle.

P: Yes, beautiful, it is holding the entire world and its holding the entire pillar of light.

A: Supporting it.

P: It's strong, it's full of energy, its solidity. At the same time, we have the Naga. The Naga in Indian culture, means serpents. They are demi-gods. They actually belong to the sun god. They are protectors of ancestral treasures, so they are here to protect every single ring. Over above, we have 7 wonderful dishes, these dishes are representing the lotus. And we are here at Lotus.

A: Ah yes, Lotus on Water. Actually, Lotus symbolises purity to me.

P: It also signifies rebirth and enlightenment. So many meanings. Now on top of that, we have this beautiful Raja. The Raja means the Lion. So what the qualities that this wonderful Raja is transmitting to the rings? Courage, confidence.

A Symbol of Power, The Raja

A: Oh, my husband needs that. *Laughs*

P: At the same time, power. As well as, it brings, in my opinion, extremely good energy and good luck. Look at the abundance of the petals. They are almost reminiscence of the light that would emanate from this 19th century, South Kerala lamp. The pillar of light.

A Mesmerizing Beacon of Purity

A: From India right?

P: Yes.

A: Ok, so maybe I can share with you and Mr Pino more about why the rings are on here. As mentioned previously by Mr Kan, there will be a very special re-blessing session. For this Winter solstice event, this is what will be going to be used. It is a valuable, priceless antique. With all its unique features, like the turtle at the bottom, which means to be in control, supporting. So its really for the clients to be in control of different aspects of their life. And there is also the Naga which is like when Buddha was meditating, a Naga was protecting him. So the Naga will protect the ring owners from the negative vibes, the negative energy. As well as the petals that will purify the powerful energy housed in the rings. So with Master Yun blessing, all the positive energy would infuse with the ring, making them even stronger.

A: It would be awesome if you stay with us and do remember to watch Master Yun's blessing at 5.28p.m. and whatever we mentioned just now may be part of the questions that Mr Kan and his team may ask. so back to you Mr Kan.

P: Thank You.


Museum in Lotus Special: Winter Solstice Event Part 2 The Meiji Chest

Master Yun always incorporates new and interesting concepts into his re-blessing sessions. And this Winter Solstice event was no different. Let us find out more with Ashley and Mr Pino!

Ashley (A): Hello, thank you Mr Kan again and welcome back to another mini session of Museum in Lotus with Mr Pino and Ashley, me. So before we start to introduce to them another treasure here that Master Yun had done his blessing just now with all the gold bars lookalike right? So just a reminder for all who are online, do remember to stay online with us till to the end of this session, because the session we are in may provide answers to some of the questions that will entitle u a chance to win the grand prize. So another introduction for them. The grand prize includes this book signed by Master Yun. And of course this basket of great prizes. There are champagne, some of the incense, as well as a book featuring Master Yun. As well as some little pixiu that are made of jadeite.

A: I will let the main stage Mr Kan to introduce. If you have seen and follow us so far, you would have noticed that during the re-blessing session, Master Yun was actually using a long brush, together with the red Vermillion and the Qinan powder to bless each and every gold bar like object. Mr Pino, do you know what is inside this box?

Pino (P): I think its incense?

A: Yes, you are very smart. So knowledge is king. This is something that you can buy to activate the energy in the 5 lucky directions of you house. As for the 5 lucky directions of your house, you would need message Cola or leave a message on Facebook to find out more about them. What comes inside the box is incense from different parts of the world. So lets come back to this to very nice looking chest of drawers. So Mr Pino, would you share more about this special antique.

P: With pleasure. But before I define or tell you about some of the more important characteristics of this chest, I would actually like to call this chest, the chest of wealth.

A: Chest of wealth? Wow!! I would love to have this.

The Five Path of Weath Incense

P: I would explain why is it called the chest of wealth, as we can examine the chest, there are 3 drawers. They are all of the same size. Let me tell you the period in which it was made was from 1868 to 1912 and it was during the Meiji era.

A: Ah, the Meiji era. It was like more than a century ago right?

P: Yes. Japan saw the abolishment of the caste system, the start of rapid industrialisation. A wonderful emperor who...

A: Transformed Japan right?

P: Yes, transformation. When we look at the 3 similar drawers, they have in common many things. first of all, the beauty of the ironwork, this is all hand-forged.

A: Handmade, you mean?

P: Yes, hand-forged, one by one. Of course there will be slight difference cause they are handmade, but not exactly the same thing.

A: It is exactly like how the fengshui paintings are like. Master Yun hand draws all his fengshui paintings and fengshui calligraphies. No one is the same, they may be similar but not the same.

P: When we look at this 3 circular strong hardware, we see 3 locks. This shows that this beautiful chest is used to store beautiful clothing, silk clothes. So they had to have simple mechanism to protect their treasures.

A: So, Mr Pino, you are saying that during the Meiji era, people who have this chest are usually from well to do families?

P: The aristocrats, the well to do people, you know.

A: Ya, and with their expensive kimonos or I should say silk kimonos is almost like Master Yun clothes just now if you noticed. it is made of red silk with golden threads. Very expensive stuff. Only well to do people have it.

P: And over here there is a smaller chest. as we can see there is another mechanism. Probably used to store accessories. And here is a small door when opened will reveal 2 smaller drawers.

A: It's just like a safety box right?

P: It is a safety box. You are absolutely right. All of this drawers have locks to store treasures that the family had. To conclude, a very beautiful chest. Made with soft wood. everything of the metalwork is handmade. Some are ornamental, while some are structural, for example here, this metalwork is used to hold the wood structure together. Finally, we have this little button is to let the handle to rest so that is will not damage the soft wood.

Mr Pino Explaining the Details on the Meiji Chest

A: Wow, what an insightful sharing by Mr Pino. Thank you Mr Pino.

P: Thank you, it was a pleasure.

A: So if you have bought the 5 paths of wealth incense and is over in the chest congratulations to you. Later we will share more about the 5 different lucky directions. But for now let us bring it back to Mr Kan and his little tigers!

P: Thank you.


Museum in Lotus Special: Winter Solstice Event Part 3 Hsun-ok

Master Yun always incorporates new and interesting concepts into his re-blessing sessions. And this Winter Solstice event was no different. Let us find out more with Ashley and Mr Pino!

Ashley (A): Thank you again Mr Kan and the Little Tigers. This is the last session of our mini Museum in Lotus. Ok, Mr Pino, let us share with them a little bit about these two things that if you have been with watching with us so far, you would have noticed that when Master Yun was doing his reblessing and the sword display performance, he was actually using the top of the sword, which is so called the dragon head to point inwards to this, this item. I will let you explain what is this.

Mr Pino and Ashley Explaining the Hsun-ok's Material

Pino (P): Yes.

A: From there he was actually throwing this (throwing the flower petals into the air). Much more beautiful than the way I throw anyway. Pino, would you share with them more about this. Is very unique. A golden colour, a red colour and it seems like the material itself is very different.

Pino (P): I would like to summarise by saying that tonight we have presented three different objects.

A: Yeah.

P: From three different countries.

A: Yes.

P: We have presented something from India. We have presented something from Japan and now this is from Burma.

A: Which is Myanmar as well?

P: Correct!

A: Modern days.

P: What they actually have in common is the dating that they are all the 19th century.

A: Ok, more than a century for all these items. Oh my god! The way I touched it is like......

P: What they were used for? First of all, these were called the Hsun-ok.

A: Hsun-ok, Ok.

P: Now we can see that these have been used since the 13th century in Burma and these are offering containers which actually ladies either wearing them on top of their heads or around their arms bringing into the monastery.

A: Ah yes, because Burma or Myanmar is Buddhist countries right?

P: Correct.

A: We have seen like a lot of monasteries all over the countries.

P: Yes.

A: In Yangon, in Mandalay, in Bagan. These are something that they bring. And to put their offerings inside.

P: Yes, to put their offerings.

A: Ok.

The Gold and Red Hsun-ok

P: Now, why would they bring this to the monasteries? And to the monks?

A: Yes. It was like....very possible. Haha.

P: To gain merits. This was the reason.

A: Ok.

P: Now what did they contain? They contained actually food.

A: Ok.

P: So they were actually feeding. It was an act of charity towards the monks.

A: Oh, yes, yes, yes.

P: And only the very wealthy family would be able to afford to buy something like this.

A: Only very wealthy family.

P: Only very wealthy family.

A: I see.

P: The differences between the two of them is evident. First of all, I would like to underline that this one in red is more rural. It's not as refined. It's not as beautiful. It's not as accurate as the other one.

A: Ok.

P: This is made of bamboo rattan.

A: Ok.

P: And on the top of this, we will see a beautiful fennel and this would be reminiscing of the monasteries in Burma. Very similar to them .

A: Yes, but that's pretty heavy actually.

P: Yes.

A: How can they ever carry this on their head? 

P: But can I say women when they are devoted. When they are doing something for merits, they will carry anything even if it is heavy.

A: Yes, I mean if this were to bring me merits, you know, to bring my husband prosperity and home harmony. I will do everything even if it was 100kg .

P: Yes, you will do it. And when we look at this, this has at least 13 layers of lacquer.

A: Oh they painted 13 layers?

P: 13 but after they basically layered the lacquer, they would sort of been sandpapered. But it's not sandpaper. It's a different kind of technique that they use. 

A: Right.

P: At the end, it would be completed. 

A: Ok.

P: The beauty about this piece.

A: Yes.

P: If we see the red lacquer, we see also some black. 


P: Because some of the layers were actually black. 

A: Ok. 

P: And this difference that we see of the black and the red is so called Negoro. The Negoro effect. Negoro is a Japanese word. 

A: Ok

P: And collectors will go crazy for something like this.

A: Wow, how about this? This would be made of wood?

P: This is a rural one. I would say that. 

A: So those live in the cities would use that.

P: Right , these would be in cities. This is actually made out of wood, more refined . 

A: Wow!

P: Now, you just look the difference. Here we have the gold and we have here beautiful symbols. And it is very detailed.

A: Ya. very very exquisite.

P: And inside it's also red. 

A: Red signifies a lot of good things for Asians.

P: And then we would see that red is a sign of prosperity. then extremely beautiful, extremely tale.
again very wealthy family. and to gain merits. aesthetically extremely beautiful. 

A: yes and for you guys to be watching us, having Master Yun's blessings and stuff, I like to bring your attention to some other items that Lotus has. And I also want to introduce to you, Mr Pino.

P: Yes.

A: This is something that's just as exquisite as these Hsun-ok that Mr Pino has mentioned. And these are actually what we call as the white inkstones and these are used by the emperors in ancient china. What they do with these  are not to hit the head of of their servants or maids or you know, try to kill someone with it. No, these are not marbles for information right? These are actually something that they will actually placed on the tables, study tables and use the ink , you know, something like that.

Ashley Explaining the Use of The Imperial White Inkstone

A: So if you where to purchase this from Lotus right, we'll be sharing or rather giving this thing we call it in mandarin the 朱砂墨. Ok, it's actually made of vermillion. As can see on this exquisite piece, the red lines on top, these are actually the red vermillion threads, right?

A: So, these are something that I can relate to hsun-ok. Is because first of all, its very exquisite you know? These are used by the well to do families, emperors and empress, and secondly, instead of getting merits through offering of food you can have your wishes come true. When you do this inking on the white inkstone. So, if you were to put it at the right direction and meditate, you manifest about whatever you want,  like to resolve conflicts with colleagues, you know, better relationship with, or maybe like bigger business opportunities, right? you just have got to think of it to manifest on this, right?

A: Constantly but remember the key thing is right direction. So you have got to call Cola to find out alright. These are some items that you can use for your permanent fengshui and yeah I will just think that is this something that every home will have and should have and when you have a business or an office, it's also a very good item for you to possess, so there we go, Mr Pino, this is the end of our session.

P: Thank you very much, thank you

A: I really enjoyed the session and great learning session,  thank you.

P: Thank you

A: So back to you Mr Kan.

I hope that these special sessions of Museum of Lotus has brought you greater understanding of the unique artefacts in Lotus on Water and how they link with Master Yun's re-blessing session. Therefore, your re-blessed collections will become even more powerful and infused with more prosperous energy!


朱雀回朝紫星照,真龙生水玄武威——2021冬至庆典之乾坤日月 (第三场)



20211221, 云龙子旺财馆迎来了冬至庆典, 著名电台主持人林尤发大哥, Desmond Lim (D), Wei Wei (W), Bertram (B) 三人行向我们介绍了云大师最新的第三系列书法作品群龙有道之乾坤日月。乾坤日月既蕴藏天地, 又是变化多端, 充满变数, 云大师又是怎样将祝福带进这个系列书法作品, 在这一集中将为大家揭示里面的密码。

All: Hello

W:我们的最后一个环节就是last session

D:对对, 谢谢3只小老虎哦, 跟他们说多少钱, $108,868, 我们今天中间的几幅都是这个价钱的, 那么今天我们说到群龙有道, 这个跟在长城展出的时候是有连接的。

W:因为在长城也是有群龙有道, 就是这一些都是龙(指圆圈)

D: Bertram 你有什么问题要问吗? 你也可以问大叔的, 你要不懂的话。

B:大叔, 大叔, 请问一下, 我看到蛮特别的印章哦。

W:印章, 对对



D:我们说的是三合, 但是因为我呢不太懂, 所以我要看手机, 看资料, 他说的是我们的这个寅, , , , , 未的一个说法呢就是三合, 其实我们说到三合刚才我们在开个玩笑说我是属龙的, 你是属鼠的他是属羊的, 所以我们的三合是猴子, 所以他跟我们没什么关系。

W:就是申子辰是这一幅, 如果你想看的话就来云龙子旺财馆看吧


W:这是老鼠, 这是所谓的三合


W:环绕着男主人, 女主人, 日月, 阴阳, 天地。

D:哇厉害, 而且龙在我们华人传统里面说呢是一个一龙飞天的感觉, 就是向上飞, 向上冲的感觉。

W:没错, 明年很好, 就是向上冲!




W:是的, 打给Cola 问一下, 81378024




D:我也要旺, 我要忘记你!

W:其实尤发大哥, 其实我们三合这是一组, 每一组只有两幅, limited的。

D:就是说每一幅风水书法里面乾坤日月, 像这一幅我们有三合, 这个三合只有两幅。

W:申子辰的只有两幅, 比如说我想买, 我是属鼠, 我想买就是这幅。





D:你老公是牛不可以, 你老公是羊就要买那幅有羊的。


D:! 所以每一幅就两幅,很特别啊!

W:不多, 就两幅





D:关一下灯好不好, 谢谢哦! 小羊哥, 来看一下, 这个呢就是我们照出来的, 你可以看得到云大师的画在每一次我觉得它有三种不同的功效, 在灯光下呈现的一种情境, 还有没有开灯, 平常的灯光又不一样, 如果阳光照射又是另外一样的感觉。

W:这个好美, 对对, 而且这个跟长城的系列是一样的, 群龙有道。

D:群龙有道, 乾坤日月,这个我们也要跟大家讲的就是, 这是我们今天第一次带出来的。


D:隆重推出, , 你看这个多美你看。

B:, 很漂亮。


D:另外的感觉, , 现在我们开一下灯。

W:那其实尤发大哥, 这个只是一合, 我们还要介绍另外的几幅。

D:今天呢我们要告诉所有的朋友, 因为我们的时间很紧凑, 我们来把最好的东西赶快介绍给大家,现在看到的是我们的另外一幅。

W:我们找一下, 这个是老鼠, 就是这两幅了。



D:反正我们的画都有不同的, 就是每样是两幅而已, 8868记住哦, 也可以买马票。


D:倒了……我们很幸运啦, 可以摸到。

W:小心哦, 小心哦



B: Rooster

W: Rooster, ,这里。

D:公鸡啊, Rooster我还不会听,哈哈哈。


B:最后一个是上面上面那个,这个是羊哦, 对吗?

W: Bertram, 这一个就是你

D: $108,868,这个就是属羊的。


D:最后我们再看另外一幅,独一无二, 每一个都只有两幅, 如果你把它买回家呢, 全新加坡就只有你有还有另外一个有。









D:还真的看不懂, 不过没关系, 我要告诉所有的朋友, 我们的云大师这次作品真的是值得珍藏, 在新年来临之际, 在今天的冬至, 冬至大过年嘛, 所以希望在今天的甚好的日子, 一定要选购一幅, 两幅, 三幅带回家去。


D:能够给你全家带来平安快乐, 财源滚滚, 这是很重要的。

W:而且丝绸的刚才我们已经介绍这幅了嘛, 丝绸的39K就不要错过了。

D:,不要错过, 要不然 11号就全面涨价, 那是100%

W:, 一倍

D:, 跟大家说了那么多, 希望大家不要忘记给Cola打电话。

W: 8137



W:尤其是来馆看一下这个乾坤日月, 这个真的是很漂亮的, 你自己要来找你的三合吧。

D:, 没错

D:那现在把时间交回给主播台, 谢谢我们的帅哥小羊 Bertram

B:谢谢, 谢谢Wei Wei

D:谢谢 Wei Wei, Wei, 谢谢所有的朋友, 现在把时间交回简董。

朱雀回朝紫星照,真龙生水玄武威——2021冬至庆典之乾坤日月 (第二场)


 20211221, 云龙子旺财馆迎来了冬至庆典, 著名电台主持人林尤发大哥, Desmond Lim (D), Wei Wei (W), Bertram (B) 三人行向我们介绍了云大师最新的第三系列书法作品群龙有道之乾坤日月。配合即将来临的虎年, 究竟会带给大家什么不一样的旺运呢?



D:当然今天我们要特别谢谢的就是我们的云大师让我们三个人凑在一起,因为刚才我们主播台也很会说, 我们这边也没有什么办法说。

W:一定要说,一定要说, 一定要介绍。

D:一定要说, 可是号码我记得$108,868


D:就是这一幅, $108,868, 其实我们身后的这一幅呢, 乾坤日月。

W:换咯,我们的第二个session就是讲黑金, 为什么黑金呢?


W:,松烟墨, 50年的松烟墨。

D:50年的松烟墨, 整个看来其实和我们刚才看的颜色不太一样, 又多了一些色彩。

W:对对, 蓝色。

D:你看有这个松烟墨黑, 有金, 黑金黑金嘛, 这个是很好了, 而且盖章刚才我们说过, Bertram他说了。


D: Bertram!!!


D:这个什么人取什么名字, 他叫阿Hock, 我叫阿Huat



W:对这些盖章都是made in Japan


W: , 东巴纸, 而且这个跟前一个的不一样, 那个是黄金, 可是它没有这个墨。

D:, 所以没有这个松烟墨, 叫黑金。


D:所以其实刚刚我们看到的是非常漂亮的是乾坤日月, 那这一幅一样的, 到了 11号就完全与众不同了,价格就是起起起了。

W:起起起, 哈哈哈


W:那我们看一下荧光? 因为这个有蓝色, 就看一下, 麻烦工作人员, Bertram做点工吧。



D:因为我们从紫外线看下去它有另外一种意境了,完全是不一样, 开了你看, 刚才没有做好工作。

W:刚才没有做好工作, 扣工钱。


D:紧张啊, 其实我们这个乾坤日月呢, 真的是从UV light看下去还是不一样, 所以这个有黑金, 然后再加上我们有很漂亮的龙鳞。

W:这个是龙鳞, 而且它的蓝色也很bright



D:好像没有, 不过我觉得云大师的画其实给人感觉在整个色彩的配合下, 还有字体, 还有设计, 还要再加入风水的感觉是跟别的完全不一样, 而且是模仿不来的。


D:但是每一次我看到, 这一次我看到乾坤日月我也有点惊讶。


D:, 原来云大师真的很有才华, 除了这幅之外你知道吗, 在我们的Bertram后面的那一幅……帮我们开个灯, 我们是可以见人的。



W:, 之前我们介绍的是日月同光。

D:所以从第二个系列的时候, 尤发就觉得很好看, 我们的简董给我看这个, 我们还没有开始介绍, 我说哇, 就是这样的声音, 所以这是我们的日月重光。

W:而且这个重有很多红色, 很吉祥。

D:, 这个用很多红色, 它的颜色基本上有很多橙色,黄色, 绿色, 红色。

W: Very colorful

D: Bertram, want to say anything?


W:也是丝绸的, 今天我们主要是focussilk系列, 真的是卖完为止。

D:这边还有, 可是这个是东巴纸。


D: 这个是我们的龙鹤,可以吗, Uncle帮你。

W: Uncle, 哈哈哈, , 这个为什么这么特别呢? 因为它有去Art Beyond Museum, 廊外有画

D:, 是这个是龙鹤, 可以放在下边, 还有另外一幅我们看到的是龙腾鹤舞。

B:, 我帮你拿


D:我想说话呢, 你来说,哈哈哈, ok, 这个呢是这个呢是我们的龙腾鹤舞, 这个也是属于东巴纸




D:对你们购买的话, 我来我来,这瓶这瓶



D:廊外有画有5, 所以跟大家解释一下, 你们真的是有兴趣的话呢,可以把它带回家去, 这个酒就送给你们。


D:, 5

W:只有廊外有画的对吧, 而且这个是39K, 太值得了。



D:也是39K, 这一幅, Uncle, Uncle


D:这叫飞龙黄鹤, 其实你看每一个字都有它的意思。


D:, 价钱一样, $39,868

W: 最后3

B: 11号过后就也是起价?

D&W: 100%

D:所以大家不要忘记了, 其实在我们下一段的介绍当中, 我们要提醒大家, , 想问一下你属什么的?




D:, 你知道吗? 我们说的申子辰三合。

W:为什么提到三合? 尤发大哥

D:哎呦, 群龙有首啊, 群龙有道啊, 我们等一下是很特别的,所以你们一定要留意下一轮的介绍。

D:谢谢Bertram, 现在要把时间交给我们的帅哥。