我心里有个感觉,所以把第一种客户编为 D 的客户,D 后面有个号码。D 是“档案dang an”的简称。
第二种客户我把他们编为 J 的客户,J 后面也有个编号。J 是“翡翠 jadeite”的简称。
接着我发现 D 的客户群增长得比 J 的快了很多。D 的客户到了5千多个,J的客户才2千多3千。这表示我对八字与风水的预测的准确性,更能吸引客户群。
可是奇怪的是每个月的收入,J 的客户买得最多最贵,买了重复再买的机率也非常非常高。
我问我们的顾问,为什么 J 的客户买了之后在极短的时间內继续再买?原来他们当中有许多一买了之后就有奇迹发生。他们的收入比 D 的客户有突破性的增长,回来买的价格自然很高,一买再买的频率也高出许多。
J 客户的总人数虽然只有 D 客户的总人数的一半,可是 J 客户每个月带给我们的收入却比 D 客户每个月带给我们的收入有三倍以上。
出于好奇心,我先调查 D 客户为什么会比 J 客户的进步会慢这么多(所以才会比 J 客户少些回来重买)。
原来一部分的 D 客户听了我对他们的八字与风水分析之后,对他们自己的人生什么都没做。
另一部分的 D 客户听了之后整天只专注他们八字风水里头消极与不好的部份。结果忧心重重,却一样什么都不做。
再一部分的 D 客户听了之后觉得自己很旺了,很满足了,也什么都不用做了。
D 客户里头只有一小部份的人听了之后,买些东西来帮助自己的。这一小部分的 D 客户与 J 客户一样旺。
可是由于这种客户只有 D 客户里头的一小部分,把整体的 D 客户与 J 客户比较时,D 收入的比例便比 J 客户相差极远。
接着我便让顾问抽样问好些个 J 的客户这个问题:“为什么你买翡翠之时没想过先让大师给你看八字与风水?”
难怪 J 的客户整体上都比 D 的客户旺得多,旺得快。
所以调查结果出来之后,我们便尽量减少 D 的客户,并在几年前,我正式宣布退休之后停止接受 D 的客户。
——云龙子大师,7 May 2015
Many years ago, I inherited the mantle from my grandfather and began
fengshui consultations and analysing client’s bazi (birth data).
At the beginning, many people were skeptical as I was young and carried
out my business at home. But my business took a turn and attracted large crowds
when it turned out that my predictions were very accurate.
I could not advertise my services as I was carrying out my business
at home and I had to rely on giving out my name card instead. But my reputation grew by the word of mouth and
my clients increased from the tens to the hundreds, with some of them coming
from Hong Kong, China and Europe.
Today, many enemies talk behind my back, saying that I relied on
advertising to get many of my clients. They do not know that I already had a
huge client base long ago, and there were even overseas clients waiting to
consult me. This was during the days when I could not advertise as I was
carrying out my business at home.
Later on, I got a big angbao from the boss of Mercendes-Benz
Netherlands. Coincidentally, the garage
opposite my home happened to be in bad business, and they wanted to sell the
shop to me. I looked at the fengshui of the shop and I knew that I have the ability
to turn the foul and rotten into the rare and prosperous, hence I took over it.
After being in this line for a period of time, I realised I have two
types of clients. The first consults me on fengshui, bazi and purchase jade
pendants from me. The second type buys the jade pendants without consulting me
on their bazi.
I had a special feeling about this and hence I labelled the first type
of clients as D clients, giving them a unique number behind D to differentiate
them. D in this case represents dang an (档案).
Similarly, I labelled the second type of clients as J clients, and
adding a numeric sequence behind the alphabet J. J in this case, stood for jadeite.
Every month, I used the survey methods of university essays to
analyse the differences between these two groups of clients.
Then I discovered that D clients’ base grew a lot faster than that
of J’s. When D clients’ base grew to 5000, J’s was only 2-3000. This implied
that my accuracy in analysing bazi and fengshui were attractive to my clients.
But when I looked at the monthly sales, I realised something strange
-- J clients bought more treasures than D clients and they tend to be more
expensive ones too. In addition to that, the probability of repeat purchases by
J clients was much higher than that of D’s.
I asked our consultants why J clients repeated their purchase within
such a short period of time? Then I found out that many miraculous things have
happened to them after purchasing our treasures. Many of them had an
exponential increase in their income and they naturally returned to purchase more
and also pricier treasures.
Although J clients’ base was half of that of D’s, the monthly sales
they brought in was at least triple that of D’s.
Out of curiosity, I surveyed why D clients were growing at a much
slower pace as compared to J clients (hence they returned lesser for re-buys).
I found out that there were a few types of D clients. The first type
did nothing to their lives after listening to my analysis of their bazi and
The second type focused on the negative and bad aspects of my
analysis of their bazi and fengshui. In turn, they were worried all the time
and did nothing about it.
The third type did nothing after hearing my analysis as they felt
they were in luck and was satisfied with it.
There was a fourth type and there was only a small group of them,
who after listening to my analysis, bought the treasures that were going to be
beneficial to them. This small group of D clients then became as prosperous as
J clients.
But there were only a handful of such D clients, hence compared to J
clients; they formed only a small proportion of my clients.
Later on, I got my consultants to ask some J clients this question,
“Why did it not cross your mind to let the Master Yun analyse your bazi and
fengshui before purchasing the treasures?”
Their response was very interesting, “I think it’s best not to do
so, as I will be very upset and hold no hopes in life if Master Yun told me
that my ming (life) is bad. On the other hand, if Master Yun told me that my
ming is already very good, then I would wonder if I can do anything more to
make it better?”
Therefore it is of no surprise that J clients generally prosper more
and faster than D clients.
They did not waste their energy on things that did not exist in
their life. Instead, they focused their energy on things they want, and they
try their best to achieve them with the aid of Lotus treasures.
So after looking at the survey results, we reduced our D clients. A
few years later, I announced my retirement and stopped accepting D clients.
Of course, there were people talking behind my back again, accusing
me of being only interested in making money. I cannot say that they are wrong,
I can only say that they are superficial as they failed to see the logical
analysis behind my actions.
On top of that, they failed to consider that if our clients did not
prosper time and again after buying and wearing Lotus treasures, would they
keep coming back to get our treasures?
We have many of such clients and they are definitely not so stupid
to keep giving us money if our treasures were not helpful to them right?
-- Master Yun Long Zi, 7 May 2015