Friday, April 19, 2024
《云龙子艺术在传承中囯文化而发扬至国际的效果,及其深入民心的影响》~简应隆先生 致辞
On Master Yun Long Zi’s Calligraphy Art - Speech by Li Mingquan (2/2)
Master Yun Long Zi’s calligraphy exhibition, coinciding with the traditional Chinese festival Dragon Head-Raising Day, aims to deeply and multidimensionally analyze his fengshui art and, amid the clash of different cultural contexts, evoke a resonance and encouragement in the art fields within and outside China, from techniques to artistic concepts. The exhibition was truly a spectacle of dragons soaring and phoenixes dancing, birds returning to their nests!
Master Yun Long Zi, a sixth-generation descendant of a fengshui family and born into a scholarly family, is the first Chinese artist to hold over a hundred calligraphy and painting exhibitions worldwide. His fengshui art advocates “Celebrationism,” celebrating everything worth celebrating, anytime, anywhere. Day or night, victory or loss, surprises or disappointments, all are moments for celebration. This is not just a mindset but a state of being, enlightening people to celebrate, reflecting genuine wealth and elegance.
A peculiar phenomenon has emerged in the domestic calligraphy scene, where some seek to subvert tradition with a bizarre fascination for ugliness, promoting “ugly calligraphy” without any cultural or artistic content, changing the structure and layout of Chinese characters arbitrarily for sensationalism and shock value, in a rush for quick success and instant benefits, mistakenly believing they are “innovating”. In contrast, Master Yun’s calligraphy is a true innovation, rooted in and promoting the excellent traditional national culture. With a profound foundation in Chinese culture and integrating his understanding of the world into calligraphy art, he has created a form that thrives and flourishes on Singapore’s soil, embodying both form and spirit with a strong vitality.
Mr Li Mingquan
National First-Class Artist
Silk Road Alliance China Cultural Cooperation Ambassador
On Master Yun Long Zi’s Calligraphy Art - Speech by Li Mingquan (1/2)
My first encounter with Master Yun Long Zi’s calligraphic works was in March of last year at the Lotus on Water gallery in Singapore. I, along with several painters from China attending an international women’s painting exhibition in Singapore, was astounded! Having seen various calligraphy exhibitions in China, traditional, contemporary, innovative, and subversive, none was like Master Yun’s integration of tradition with modernity, solid brushwork foundations with dazzling and fantastical forms presented in calligraphy art! This was a first for me, and the spiritual shock experienced on foreign soil cannot be succinctly conveyed!
In the Lotus on Water gallery, the moment the interior lights were switched off, we were instantly transported into a mysterious and ancient time-space. Here, stars twinkled, colours burst forth, and a succession of both figurative and abstract images and symbols appeared before us, evoking a profound sense of the vast, majestic, and awe-inspiring universe deep within our souls. The magical and subtle feelings from distant galaxies followed, with the calligraphic images on the paper transforming into dragons soaring in the sky or phoenixes dancing above. An abundance of information on the paper, through oracle bone and large seal scripts, conveyed the beauty and auspiciousness of the world, transmitting positive energy from the universe, all while being perfectly framed by the radiant forms. This experience made us traverse through millennia and roam through wildernesses, evoking a strong sense of righteous qi within us! Overwhelmed by emotion, I penned a couplet with the Caobaozi brush technique to capture my excitement and profound feelings: “Clouds surge and winds rise, startling heaven and earth; dragons soar and phoenixes dance, stirring the cosmos.”
Last October, in the golden autumn season, Master Yun Long Zi hosted his calligraphy exhibition on the Simatai section of the Great Wall in Beijing, themed around this couplet. This was the first-ever art feast on the Great Wall’s over two thousand years of history. Holding a calligraphy exhibition on the Great Wall was unprecedented, a perfect blend of world art and paper art. On that day, as the exhibition opened under the clear skies and sea-like blue of Simatai, clouds gathered, and winds blew unexpectedly, shocking heaven and earth – truly, a celestial response! Master Yun’s 69 pieces of calligraphy, imbued with the essence of dragons and phoenixes, sought to organically combine ancient Eastern oracle bones, inscriptions, large and small seal scripts, regular script, running script with Western colours, structures, philosophies, aesthetics, Sinology, and metaphysics, embarking on a bold and beneficial exploration that defined his “Celebrationism” artistic characteristic. The integration of calligraphy, painting, the Great Wall, red carpets, lighting, installations, lion and dragon dances, vocal music, and fashion evolved into a grand performance art, leaving us with an unforgettable impression!
Traditional Chinese calligraphy is a unique art form, encompassing not just the writing of characters but also brush techniques, structures, compositions, and layouts, serving as an important medium for conveying emotions and sentiments. For instance, the joyous Wang Xizhi left us the eternally celebrated Preface to the Poems Collected from the Orchid Pavilion, while the sorrowful Yan Zhenqing penned the heartfelt Lament for My Nephew! The significant position of calligraphy art in Chinese culture is evident. It uses Chinese characters as a medium, merging the expression of form and meaning. The primary tools are, of course, the brush, ink, rice paper, and inkstone, but Master Yun Long Zi has incorporated elements like gold, silver, champagne, and pigments into his calligraphic creations, demonstrating high artistry in aspects such as handling the brush, brush movements, dotting, structuring, outlining, and shading, achieving a perfect artistic presentation.
The development of calligraphy is rooted in traditional Chinese culture, an integral part of Chinese heritage, described as “the silent poem, the formless dance, the imageless painting, the soundless music.” Master Yun has promoted this ancient yet youthful art in Singapore, inheriting the fine traditions of Chinese calligraphy while creating a new art form that aligns with Singapore’s customs, modern aesthetics, and fashionable lifestyle, without deviating from the principles or acting recklessly, demonstrating a robust vitality and high aesthetic value.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
2024年3月11日 云龙子北京艺术展兼研讨会圆满成功
与会重点贵宾,毛里求斯共和国驻华大使王纯万阁下 (His Excellency Mr Alain Wong) 在欣赏了云龙子大师的风水书法之后,说道:“我非常欣赏云大师的作品。云大师的书法,简直是天才般的杰作,同时也在把整个世界团结在一起。就像毛里求斯的精神,我们虽然面积小,却包罗万有;单单是云大师的一幅作品,竟然如此目不暇给、老少咸宜。我肯定会把云大师的艺术常常挂在嘴边了。”
云龙子大师回应道:“我想艺术表达人生。即然我的思维中含有中西两种语言,两种文化,就让它们在我的艺术作品中表达岀来也不妨。” 并以明朝郑和在东南亚对人类的贡献对比西方殖民如何对待土著为例子,强调了中华文化优越特征:“中国文化不旦是个包容性极强的文化,也是个福泽天下,恩惠世界的文明。中国文化,才是世上的盐与世界的光。所以,当世界各地不同囯家的记者采访我,问我是哪里的艺术家。我总回答:我是来自新加坡的中国艺术家。I am a Chinese Artist from Singapore.”
云龙子大师是风水世家第六代传人,书香世家,自幼习学美术书法,是首位在西班牙世界遗产La Pedrera-Casa Milà举行画展的华人,更是中国万里长城书法展第一人。
接着,于《云龙子艺术展兼研讨会》,中国美术家协会会员、中国书画家联谊会副主席、中国女画家协会副秘书长、北京妇联执委、北京国画艺术家协会副主席 、黑龙江省美术家协会理事、黑龙江省书画院(美术馆)美术创研员、国家一级美术师、中国同泽画院副院长,曾迎春老师说到:“之前,我看过云龙子大师的艺术作品,那是耳目一新,有种莫名的感染力。今天,我参览云大师新的书法作品后,我有几个词:璀璨绚丽、金壁辉煌、n重高贵。身为一个专业艺术家,很多时候,我们不敢踏出太大的一步,生怕‘踩到地雷’。云大师的突破界限、出其不意……真的得向云大师学习。”
之后,中国作协美术副编审、中国书法家协会会员、中央直属机关书画协会理事、中国书法家协会高级注册教师、中华诗词学会会员、湖南工业大学客座教授,沈鹏(正举) 发表:“云龙子大师的书法是很有‘嚼头’的艺术、是有很多味道艺术”。
其他参与这次研讨会的嘉宾还有张天保部长 (教育部原副部长、国家总督学顾问)、徐德顺先生 (国家商务部国际经济研究院研究员)、李浩先生 (中国高科技产业化研究会科技成果转化协作工作委员会秘书长/副主任)、王军法先生 (齐鲁智库执行秘书长)、简应隆先生 (云龙子旺财馆执行董事),以及陈刚先生 (云龙子先生助理)。胡问遂先生 (新加坡著名演员、叶问咏春拳第四代传人) 担任了这次研讨会的大会主持。