Saturday, September 29, 2018

Rise of Elegance!






其中一幅风水扇子画Universe of Prosperity已被选走!

恭喜Doreen Hung女士成为第一位请走云大师风水扇子画的客人!


Rise of Elegance
云大师与未装裱的Rise of Elegance

想要拥有这幅Rise of Elegance风水扇子画吗?

即刻就拨打+65 6456 1156,我们将为你挑选最能旺财富、旺人缘、旺贵人的方位挂上这幅画。


Friday, September 28, 2018

Rise of Elegance!

I am very honoured to go to the UOB Privilege Banking to join Master Yun's fengshui art event, the official launch of "The Rise of Wind and Water" fengshui fan series.

Master Yun's fengshui fan painting (Working in progress - 4 layers)

On that evening, Master Yun talks about his fengshui fan paintings, of how he started the ideas on doing the colour-splashing on the fan.

Due to the size and shapes of the fan, Master Yun has to use his imaginations and creativity to let the peacock shines out.
More and more layers will be added up to complete a fengshui fan paintings.
Admiring fengshui fan painting together under the Golden light.


One of the fengshui fan paintings has been CHOSEN! The "Universe of Prosperity"!

Congratulations to Ms.Doreen Hung for being the first to choose Master Yun's fengshui fan painting!

Now, the eyes are on this fengshui fan painting...

"Rise of Elegance"
Master Yun with "Rise of Elegance" (before framing)
Golden opportunities, Golden fortunes
Golden treasures under the UV light

Want to own the "Rise of Elegance" fengshui fan painting?

Call us now: +65 64561156 and we will suggest you the place to hang for your wealth, benefactors, relationships.

Owen, Assistant to Advisor

Saturday, September 22, 2018


Ambassador Julio A. Jeldres












第一份礼物是由恩里安(Em Riem)绘制的云龙子大师画像。恩里安先后在柬埔寨和法国念书,现已是柬埔寨著名的当代艺术家。

第二份礼物是柬埔寨先王西斯瓦摄(King Sisowath)的塑像,陛下于1904年登基,1927年离世。天沙王子殿下便是先王西斯瓦摄的后人。这座塑像由天沙王子殿下委托柬埔寨国家博物馆制作,属非卖品。



第二份是一枚特别的银币。此银币是为了准备纪念先王西哈努克(His late Majesty Norodom Sihanouk90大寿而铸,当时为2012年。可惜先王在大寿前便龙御归天,当时我出任先王首席私人秘书已有12年。




Friday, September 21, 2018

The Rise of Wind and Water: Master Yun’s Fengshui Painting

Master Yun’s fengshui painting brings you prosperity round the clock!

“Have you found the peacock of your life?”

Everyone has a spiritual animal, an animal that is a manifestation of your aspirations and aims in life.   

I remember that Master Yun once asked what is our spiritual animal.

We answered with a variety of animals and Master Yun said without hesitation that his spiritual animal is the peacock as it’s the symbol of elegance. 

Master Yun sharing a shot with His Royal Highness Prince Tesso Sisowath and Lotus on Water’s clients
Master Yun’s uncompleted fengshui painting on Chinese fans

Master Yun presented his understanding and interpretation of the peacock as a painting on the Chinese fan. As before, he used the splash ink method for the first three layers of the painting before using his gift in art to complete the peacock, perfecting this fengshui fan. 

The peacock does not appear in its original form, it is presented in a gentlemanly style instead, bringing across the peacock’s noble and elegant temperament.

Universe of Prosperity

This is Master Yun’s favourite piece from the “The Rise of Wind and Water” series. Master Yun’s particularly captivated by its vivid colours which are a result of the different dyes used. Such is the beauty of this one of a kind fengshui painting on Chinese fans, even Master Yun appreciates it. 

Universe of Prosperity
6thSeptember, Lotus clients having a photo taken with Master Yun’s fengshui fans at the UOB Privilege Reserve Suites

I’m not sure how many artists are there in this world who can paint such elegant peacocks, but there is one accomplished fengshui master who can do so right in front of me. This is an extremely precious opportunity.

When you own a fengshui painting by Master Yun, you own a painting that will bring you endless wealth and prosperity, and bring your dear ones tremendous good luck. 

Today, you deserve a brilliant life. 

-- Owen, Assistant to Advisor

Friday, September 14, 2018

Remarks by Ambassador Julio A. Jeldres, PhD at the Launching of Master Yun Long Zi’s New Series of Feng Shui Art and Feng Shui painting on Chinese Fans

Remarks by
Ambassador Julio A. Jeldres, PhD
at the Launching of
Master Yun Long Zi’s New Series of Feng Shui Art and
Feng Shui painting on Chinese Fans.
UOB Privilege Suite Reserve Suites
Singapore, 6 September 2018


Your Royal Highness,
Distinguished Guests,

It is truly an honour for me to say a few words on behalf of His Royal Highness Prince Sisowath Tesso and myself on the occasion of the Launching of Master Yun Long Zi’s New Series of Feng Shui Art and Feng Shui painting on Chinese Fans.

In an increasingly volatile world, it is always necessary to find refuge and solace in a place which can be a peaceful and harmonious setting to be able to keep our rationality. And how to make this environment possible? Here is where Feng Shui comes into the picture and who better than to introduce us to that exquisite environment than Master Yun Long Zi.

Feng Shui is an ancient combination of art and science, which originated in China some centuries ago, that aims to bring desired energy to our homes and workplaces. 

Feng Shui at its most basic description is the interaction of humans and their environments. The Chinese believe everything is living, and therefore has Chi, or life-force energy. 

Feng Shui enables you to influence those energies around you, positioning or designing things in your surroundings so that you are in harmony with the principles of natural energy flow. This is why you might hear it also referred to as the ‘art of placement’. The belief is that if you get it right with your space, good energy will flow to other areas of your life.

Master Yun Long Zi creations are noted for being a symphony of colours because Master Yun’s art is a celebration of all things worth celebrating from health to wealth and from relationships to prosperity. Master Yun always focuses on the positive energies of the elements that can bring joy, peace, love and hope. He has mastered this exclusive expertise that has been passed down by five generations of his family.

Early this year, His Royal Highness Prince Sisowath Tesso and I were fortunate to attend an exhibition Master Yun Long Zi presented in Bangkok where Master Yun was kind enough to explain to a group of visitors to his Exhibition that the paper he uses for his paintings is a special paper made in China from herbs found in the mountain ranges and known as “Dong Ba” paper.

Master Yun also explained that in China most of the Feng Shui related paintings are done by farmers who after the harvest find themselves with a lot of free time and no income while waiting for the New Year. With their Peacock, Crane and Pine Tree paintings they earn some income which last until the next harvest, making them feel happy and lucky. This is why their paintings are known popularly as “Feng Sui paintings”.

What has impressed His Royal Highness and I most about Master Yun is his humility. He is a person who radiates happiness and well-being and who is always willing to share his extensive knowledge of Feng Shui with others, so they can also appreciate this ancient art.

On this auspicious occasion, His Royal Highness Prince Sisowath Tesso would like to present to Master Yun Long Zi a couple of presents which he has asked me to describe for you:

  • The first present is a painting of Master Yun done by a young Cambodian artist-designer named Em Riem, who has studied arts in Cambodia and design in France, and is now one of the leading contemporary Cambodian artist-designers.

  • The second present is a replica of a bust of His Majesty King Sisowath of Cambodia, who reigned from 1904 to his death in 1927. His Royal Highness is a descendant of King Sisowath through his grand-father Prince Sisowath Rothary. This replica was specially commissioned by Prince Tesso from the artists of the National Museum in Cambodia. It is not commercially available.

I have myself brought two small presents, which I would like to present to Master Yun:

  • The first one is a traditional Aboriginal painting from Australia, specially commissioned by my University in Melbourne from Aboriginal artists.

  • The second present is a commemorative medal issued for the 90th Birthday of His late Majesty Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia in 2012. Unfortunately, the King passed away before his birthday anniversary. I was the late King’s Principal Private Secretary for 12 years.

For today’s exhibition, Master Yun is using fans made with rice paper on bamboo strips and decorated with Chinese motifs. I am sure all of you will enjoy and like it immensely.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

-- Remarks by Ambassador Julio A. Jeldres, PhD, 6th Sep 2018

Saturday, September 8, 2018




每个人的心中都有一个灵兽|spiritual animal,就是你所向往的一个憧憬,一个目标。







Universe of Prosperity | 富贵之宇


Universe of Prosperity | 富贵之宇
6th Sep,客户在大华银行尊荣室与云龙画扇合影




Owen,顾问助理  #Prosperity with Elegance