This masterpiece named Forest of Bamboo and Orchid with a Brook
Flowing Through (脩竹丛兰静观其趣,和风朗日足畅斯怀) is commissioned by
Master Yun Long Zi and created by Singapore’s well-known artist, Mr Nai Swee Leng (赖瑞龙老师). It has a
length of 566cm and breath of 206cm; this dimension is traditionally called zhangba (丈八) in Chinese art.
The paper used in this art piece is by no means a simple piece of paper,
it is manufactured using traditional methods by Hong Xing Xuan Paper (红星牌手工宣纸) in the year
2003. This 12-year-old paper is provided by Master Yun.
The creation of Forest of Bamboo and Orchid with a Brook Flowing
Through took three weeks, beginning on the 4th of June 2015 and
completed on 18th of June in the same year.
Subject Matter
Orchid and Bamboo.
The two plants, orchid and bamboo, play an important role in the
Literati Painting style of Chinese painting.
Both the orchid and bamboo can withstand the extreme cold of winter
and does not waver under the weight of snow and frost.
A poem describes this, “With the exception of orchids and bamboos of
the mountains, that can endure spring and summer then autumn and winter again.”
Bamboo, orchid, plum and chrysanthemum, are known as the “four
gentlemen” in Literati Painting.
Bamboos have hollow trunks, and this has a connotation of humility
and modesty in Chinese culture. It reminds us that the more knowledgeable we
are, the more humble we need to be, in order to achieve further progress.
Confucius once complimented orchids as “the king of fragrance”, this
is so as orchids “will still emanate its fragrance even if no one was around”.
Simply put, orchids will not stop releasing its fragrance just because no one
is present; hence it deserves the title of “the king of fragrance”.
The Artist Mr Nai Swee
The masterpiece, Forest of Bamboo and Orchid with a Brook Flowing
Through, is conceptualised and painted by Mr Nai Swee Leng.
Mr Nai Swee Leng is born in Singapore in the year of 1946; hence he
is 69 this year. At the age of 16, Mr Nai started learning Chinese brushworks
from his teacher, Mr Fan Chang Qian.
Mr Fan, who is one of the Singapore’s pioneering artists, was
educated in Shanghai and is a renowned Wu-style artist. He started his art education
at a young age and it was during this time when he started learning the
Shanghai School’s style of painting.
Shanghai School belongs to the Literati Painting style and it is recognised
for incorporating traditional Chinese calligraphy’s (clerical script and seal
script 隶书与篆书) unadorned strokes
into artworks.
Forest of Bamboo and Orchid with a Brook Flowing Through’s main
style belongs to the Shanghai School style of painting.
Mr Nai Swee Leng is well known for his painting of orchids and
Artwork Appreciation
A flowing brook in the centre separates this artwork, to its left you
are presented with a
foreground view and to its right, a background view. The bamboo forest on the
left of the brook appears to be very close to the viewer, it seems to be right
in front of your eyes and the dense forest cover hides everything beneath it.
As your line of sight moves right, you see the brook again, and just to its
right, you see another bamboo forest in the background, it seems to be in a
distance. Looking further right, you get a view of the middle ground.
It is challenging to have a panoramic view of a wide painting, hence
you have to shift your perspective from the left to right, while the line of
sight moves from the
foreground to the background, before moving back. This
change in perspective relaxes the eye muscles, while the flowing brook and the images in the background
opens up your mind. The boundless sky in the centre enhances this relaxation
and sense of openness, allowing the mind and body to
attain peace and comfort.
Without orchids and its leaves being juxtaposed above the brook,
this artwork will be split into two short paintings. The orchids thus functions
as a bridge, conjoining the two seemingly separate paintings into one, and also
bridging the background and foreground.
However, the undulating land beneath the orchids will appear dead if
not for the presence of the flowing brook. The artist’s ingenuity in adding a
flowing brook into the artwork, appears to have added an “air vent” in the
composition and this in turn adds life to the otherwise boring undulating land.
Moreover, the “air vent” faces and flows towards the viewer, guiding
the viewer’s line of view from objects in the foreground to images in the
background, before coming back to the foreground again.
This is not a dead piece of artwork, but a flowing one. The bamboo
forests at the background, middle ground and foreground, the orchid leaves,
bridges and the air vent of the flowing brook, works together in guiding the
viewer's line of sight around the painting, from the left to the right, from
the deep to the shallow and from the far to the near, it sets you thinking and
enticing you to come back for more.
The brook isn't long, measuring slightly over one foot, but
it is the soul of the painting and it has the effect of "drawing the eye
on the dragon" (画龙点睛).
Artistic Procedure
This masterpiece is Mr Nai’s largest painting project to date. It
was forecasted to be completed in three hours, but instead, it took three
separate sessions of three hours, with one session a week, to complete.
This is due to the huge scale of the painting, which is taxing on
the mind and body.
The first session saw the painting of bamboo branches, leaves,
ground, orchids and the brook.
The second session saw the inclusion of bamboo leaves, which
enhanced depth and richness of the bamboo forest. Orchids were also added above
the flowing brook. The ground was also coloured in ochre ink to augment the
tranquil and grace of the sky, bamboos and orchids.
The third session had the inscription added and multiple seals impressed
upon the artwork to signify its completion. The inscription reads, “Forest of
Bamboo and Orchid with a Brook Flowing Through. Yi Wei Year, Scorching
Summer. Swee Leng’s Hardwork” (脩竹叢蘭静觀其趣、和風朗日足暢斯懷。岁次乙未,炎夏。瑞龍挥汗。).
There are two name seals (名印) below the
inscriptions, the top one reads, “Gui Hu Nai Shi” (歸湖赖氏) and the
bottom one reads, “Swee Leng” (瑞龍). There is another seal (闲章) above the inscriptions; it has “Zhi Zai Qian
Li (having high aspirations)” (志在千里) carved on it.
At the right corner of the artwork,
there are two more seals impressed there. The first
reads, “Xian Yun Ye He
(free and unrestrained)” (闲雲野鶴) and the other reads, “An artwork created after ascending
Mount Lu, walking on the Great Wall of China and visiting the Forest of Stone
Tablets” (登廬山,走長城,访碑林,歸来所作).