新加坡美术馆开幕礼。 天婆王子,列施美王妃,布拜德威公主,云大师,蔡佳祺先生,威泽立悟王子和五位皇家芭蕾舞员。(左起)
Opening event last night at National Gallery Singapore. With Prince Tesso Sisowath, Princess Reaksmey, Princess Buppha Devi, Master Yun, Mr Nigel Chua, Prince Veakchiravuddh, and 5 Royal Ballet members. (from left) |
与Jennie Chua女士。(左起第四位) With Ms Jennie Chua. (from left fourth) |
与智利大使夫妇,詹姆斯幸克乐。 With His Excellence James Sinclair, ambassador of Chile. |
礼毕夜宵。金沙空中花园Cé La Vi. 皇室,雲龍子,蔡佳祺先生。还有厨师长约瑟夫。 After event supper cum dinner at CÉ LA VI Singapore. The Royal Family, Lotus On Water | 云龙子旺财馆 and Mr Nigel Chua. |
云大师与执行主厨Joseph。 Master Yun with executive chef Joseph. |
在对的地点,对的时间与对的人一起晚餐,实属难得。 It is indeed rare to eat dinner with the right person in the right place and right time. |
——云龙子大师 (Master Yun Long Zi),8 October 2017
(Originally from here: https://www.facebook.com/masteryunlongzi/posts/1533694666720508)