Thursday, February 17, 2022

Lotus on Water Celebrates CNY 2022:《心运灵光门庭凤,经传宏业天上龙》之日月明心 PART2

Previously, we talked about the first statement of 2022 CNY Reblessing "心运灵光门庭凤", let’s look into the second statement.

So it reads: 经传宏业天上龙

The word "经", is more than mere scripture. It’s canonized as a CLASSIC. And "Classics" are remembered and inherited by generations. 

CLASSICS, will be about everlasting values and principles, about the virtues and great deeds that had been done, and should be emulated.

And that’s just like how the exemplary dragon has risen to the heavens, a calling followed by plenty, a destiny endeavored by many. 

Imagine, just like the Great Wall of China, at the top ridges. Even though Qin Shi Huang 秦始皇 had passed on, thousands of years ago, his monumental deeds had been elevated as an undeniable tale, a legend, a CLASSIC. 

So, how about this 2022?

How are you going to allow and accept the CLASSICS and rise like a dragon?

How about, capturing the ever (and even more) powerful blessings of Master Yun, especially with 54 never-before Heart Sutra seals?

After all, the "Heart Sutra 般若波罗蜜多心经" is definitely a CLASSIC. And that’s why Master Yun is using this special set of seals by Xiling Seal Art Society 西泠印社 grandmaster 晋欧 to boost powers of our blessing vermilion. 

Question: which Lotus collection to best allow you to rise like a dragon in 2022?

How about: Lotus White Inkstone, and your Lotus sandalwood?

We know, your White Inkstone, that’s for victory, power and benefactors. 2022 is a grand year, but are the benefactors coming to you? Secure them with your Lotus White Inkstones. In fact, get TWO. Ask your Lotus advisors why.

Which is probably why, Lotus on Water has decided to EARLY RELEASE the sandalwood dragon pendant. I hearsay, this sandalwood dragon, carved in year 2015, was supposed to be released only in 2024 — the Year of the Dragon, but due to the crazy demand for sandalwood, there is no choice but to release in advance.

After all, it is KEY to have a lot of sandalwood from year 2021 and onwards. 

Stay tuned for PART 3.

-- Amanda
(Edited by Kan and Doreen Hung)

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