山管人丁,水管财 – the mountains are responsible of human-related luck, the waters are responsible for wealth luck. Human-related luck and wealth luck – mountain and water – are the basic premise of fengshui, the yin and yang. Correlated and influencing each other, fengshui of a place is not complete or strong without having both mountain and water in place. [READ:]
The areas of human-related luck, or human fortune: health, relationship, stability, and benefactors. When you have a solid Lotus Mountain Crystal specially carved for the activation and strengthening of the mountain energy, there is radiant health, good relationships, stability, and strong benefactors and support. And with these, good wealth fortune can take place.
The Four Aspects of the Lotus Mountain Crystal
1. First, it must be carved as a mountain. This is to resonate with the mountain star energy in the intangible plane, to activate it on our physical plane.
For stability and support.
2. 3 things are carved on the Lotus Mountain Crystal, first would be the houses:
This has to a live mountain, with people’s energies, not an empty mountain. In Chinese characters and writings, when the person combines with the mountain (earths and man), there is celestial energy. Your place should be one that people would want to come to and stay.
3. Then, the pine tree with coin leaves
We must have good wealth, yes, but we also must have good health. The pine tree grows on the most adverse conditions, and thrives, and lives a long life. It blesses the occupants with good health, resilience and longevity. Also, it would bring longevity to the different aspects of human fortune. Meaning that the people, benefactors, connections – would be with you for a long time.
4. Bridges and ladders
This is for good connections, good relationships and benefactors, and progression. May you find the right people, and have the right people come to you, and be always propelling forward.
Have your Lotus crystal mountain in your place today.
-- Kan Ying Loong, Executive Director