If you are born in the year of Goat or Monkey, your Guardian Buddha is, what I would say for simplicity sake, the BOSS: the Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛.

And if you find the Boss's name familiar, you might be recalling movie "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"《西游·降魔篇》(2013), directed by Stephen Chow 周星驰. In which during the "final boss scene", Tripitaka 唐三藏 called upon the Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛 to subdue the Monkey King 孙悟空.

One hand. SMASH.
We see the same SUPERPOWER at the end of 2004's《功夫》(Kung Fu Hustle).

The 大招. The killer-combo.
Vairocana 大日如来 and his "Buddha's Divine Palm 如来神掌".
The one hand that subdues evil, and returns light and justice to the universe.
His name refers to the sun 太阳. And that's why, for the Lotus version, the rays of the sun are his aura.
Many a times, we really need the power of the great sun to chase away darkness, illnesses, evils.
May those who receive blessings from the Vairocana Buddha 大日如来佛 achieve wealth and success as powerful as the sun.
May you also achieve your grand ambitions swiftly and gloriously.
-- Kan, Executive Director
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