云大师曾说我们不能决定能得到什么, 那是上天的意志, 我们能决定的是怎样投下种子, 浇水施肥。
Once upon a time, Master Yun has mentioned we cannot decide what we are going to get, because it is the will of heaven, but we can always decide how we plant the seeds, water and nurture them.
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(Master Yun interviewed by 新加坡万事通 Vaster News, on fengshui, Chinese culture, and the coming 20-years new fengshui cycle云大师接受新加坡万事通Vaster News的采访,谈关于风水、中华文化,以及来临的20年风水大运)
Chijmes画展在2022年10月26 日到28日举行, 来自著名服装设计师 Mr. Eric Raisina的丝绸时装走秀和 Master Yun的风水画给人们留下深刻印象, 很多人还记忆尤新。
The art exhibition at Chijmes has been held from 26th Oct to 28th Oct 2022, many people were impressed by the silk fashion show from textile master Mr. Eric Raisina and Feng shui paintings from Master Yun, most are still vivid in our mind.
办画展并不容易, 从计划到实现, 还有很多最后一分钟的突发事件。就好像在画展上关于义气的演讲, 他的演讲稿上标注着各种符号, 以提醒他的手和身体的动作, 不然这场演讲就会成为一场随随便便的演讲。这种力求尽美的付出一直都在, 众所周知, 风水馆的宝物不仅漂亮, 还有思想和深度, 这就是义气。
To hold an art exhibition is not easy, from planning to realization, as well as many last minute changes. Just like the speech regarding the virtue of “Yi” from Master yun, his speech manuscripts are full of different symbols, to remind himself with certain hand sign and body gestures to do during speech, otherwise it will become a mediocre speech. As you all know, the treasures from gallery are not only beautiful, but also with understanding of culture and philosophy, these are really from “Yi Qi”.
云大师提到全球最大的對沖基金桥水基金创办人Ray Dalio有关生产力的三条经验法则, 不仅适用于经济学, 更是个人。
Master Yun mentioned 3 principals related to productivity recommended by Ray Dalio from the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, not only for economics, but also individuals.
1 不要让债务的增长速度超过收入。
Do not let your debts grow faster than income. Eg. Borrow money to spend on you do not deserve to spend.
信贷是经济中最重要的一部分, 最大也最变幻莫测, 借款人一旦获得信贷就能增加自己的支出。支出是经济的驱动力。在一项交易中, 为了获得某样东西你必须付出另一样东西, 长期来看你得到多少取决于你生产多少。生产率的提高不会剧烈波动, 因此不是经济起伏的一个重要动力。但是债务是这种动力, 因为我们能够通过借债让消费超过产出。但是在还债时不得不让消费低于产出。
Credit is the most important part of the economy, biggest and most volatile part. When a borrower receives credit, he is able to increase his spending, spending drives the economy. In a transaction, you have to give something in order to get something, and how much you get depends on how much you produce. Productivity growth does not fluctuate much, so it is not a big driver of economic swings. Debt is- because it allows us to consume more than we produce when we acquire it, and force us to consume less than we produce when we pay it back.
债务通常会导致一系列可以预料和发生在未来的事情。债务也并不都是坏事, 如果信贷可以用来提高生产率, 帮你赚更多的钱, 不仅还清债务, 还提高生活水平。
Because it sets into motion a mechanical, predictable series of events that will happen in the future. Credit isn’t necessarily something bad that just causes cycles. However, it’s good when it efficiently allocates resources and produces income so you can pay back the debt.
云大师说我们都不是完美的人, 但可以通过努力来改变性格中不好的债务, 变成好的资产。
We are not perfect, but we can always change liabilities in Character to assets in Character.
云大师说生活有时会给我们上一课, 有时好, 有时坏, 这都不要紧, 接受并且充分利用它。
Life always give us lessons, sometimes sweet , sometimes not so sweet, just take it and make best out of it.
2 不要让收入的增长速度超过生产率, 因为这最终会让你失去竞争力。
Do not allow your income be higher than productivity, otherwise loose competitiveness sooner or later.
经济学中一个人的花费是另一个人的收入, 然而这花费是借贷还是现金, 结果都会使价格上涨。如果不是因为现金增加, 那么上涨的负债会到还不清的地步。
One person’s spending is another person’s income, no matter spending is in credit or cash, it will push the price of goods to increase. But if the credit has been used more than productivity, the debts can not be repaid eventually.
画展上看到许多专业的模特, 但做一位专业的模特是不容易的, 要穿出设计师本身的风格, 还需要来自各个方面的考验。例如每次走秀前要参加试镜, 维持衣服的光洁度。
We saw lots of professional models in the fashion show, it is not easy to be a professional model, there are many tests beside walking in style and elegantly in the textile from designer, Eg. Attend Model audition, keep the clothes neat and care for details.
每一天的走秀都需要模特们及工作人员提前3-4小时就准备, 以带来一场视觉飨宴。
People need to be line up 3-4 hours to be able to model on the session.
这个社会总是在很多层面而不是单一层面来测试我们, 例如学生参加数学考试, 他必须先理解题目的英文叙述。
The world almost test on multiple levels/items on many things instead of 1 singular item, for example, students attend mathematics exam, they need to understand the questions written in English thoroughly before answering.
云大师通常对馆里工作人员设定一道题目, 你昨天的贡献有哪些? 有给别人带来好处吗?
There is one question Master Yun asked people working in gallery, what is your contribution yesterday, does it benefit others?
他常说他可以教追随他的人怎样做一位君子, 每天给别人一口饭吃, 1天做1件, 10年做3,650件, 30年10,000件。因为做出去的终究都会回来。
He always teach followers how to be a “君子”, benefit others every day, do 1 good deed in a day, that will be 3,650 in 10 years, 10,000 in 30 years…keep this going, it will come back to you.
3 尽一切努力提高生产力。
Always focus on productivity.
虽然信贷在短期内最重要。生产率在长期内最关键, 我们的知识随时间增多, 知识的积累会提高我们的生活水平, 我们将此称为生产率的提高。一个善于创新和勤奋的人相比那些自满和懒惰的人更快的提高生产率和生活水平。
Productivity matters most in the long run, but credit matters in the short run. Over time we learned and that accumulated knowledge raises our living standards, we call this productivity growth. Those who were invented and hard-working raise their productivity and their living standards faster than those who are complacent and lazy.
信任在任何场合都是重要的, 每个模特都是一件艺术品, 好像画家所用的颜料, 一位出色的画家当然知道什么样的颜料可以让他的画作传神!
The trust is always important in every event, models are like chemicals used by painter, the painter will surely know what color to use to make his painting vivid and expressive!
一场好的画展需要团体合作, 需要牺牲和妥协, 这其中也包括和来自不同背景文化的人合作。
The art exhibition involves good team work, sacrifice and compromise, also including working with people from different cultures.
这次服装秀有超过一半的模特是风水馆的客人和子女, 为什么会这样安排呢? 云大师说在人前自信的行走是很棒的, 你的人生只有一次, 就让每次的行走成为你人生最好的一次吧!
More than half of the models are actually clients or clients’ child, why is that so? It is great to walk confidently in front of people. You only have one life, let every single walk be the best walk you have.
Are you prepared to increase productivity in the 9th cycle in the next 20 years or even earlier?
~~ Mu Lan
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